Malawi football legend Kinnah Phiri seeks parliamentary seat on UTM ticket
Former Malawi national football team legendary player and coach, Kinnah Phiri, will challenge incumbent Karonga south Member of Parliament (MP) Malani Mtonga of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) during the next year’s tripartite elections under the United Transformation Movement (UTM) ticket.

Speaking in an interview Phiri said he wants to develop Karonga South which is his home village saying the constituency remains underdeveloped under the incumbent Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Member of Parliament.
“People have known me as a sportsman; I have served my country with diligence in the sports sector this is all the continuation of serving my people but now into politics, so come 2019 I am contesting as MP for Karonga South Constituency which has remained underdeveloped for a long time now.”
“Talking of sports I will continue being a sportsman, and thus one of the things I am bringing to Karonga south once voted into power’’ said Phiri
According to the Malawi’s football legend, he wants to support all sports talented youths as one way of making football and other sporting activities as a profession.
“I know this will help creating employment which is in line with the one million job creation manifesto of the mighty United Transformation Movement under our youthful and pragmatic president Dr Saulos Chilima who will also be the countries president come 2019”
The challenged Karonga south Member of Parliament (MP) Malani Mtonga was not available for comment as we went to the press,
Meanwhile political analyst George Phiri from University of Livingstonia has said the former legendary player and coach has the potential to win as a Member of Parliament in Karonga south saying he is more popular than other politicians in the country.
“Kinnah is more popular you know a lot of people do follow sports than they do with politics, all he has to do is now convincing people from his constituency to vote for him but is see a potential man in him” explained Phiri.
Kinnah Phiri made his first political appearance last month in Mzuzu during the United Transformation Movement lunch where in his speech he endorsed Vice-President Saulosi Chilima for the office of presidency come 2019.
Weldone Kinnah, now we can see alot of changes and improvement coming to malawi football, please first thing you should do is DRAIN THE SWAMP AT SLUM AND FAM. Walter has failed malawi football and he should go, FAM NEEDS NEW YOUNG BLOODS NOW.
Kinna phiri!!! Kinna phiri ,wakwela bus ya bhooo!!!!
Wasankha chipani choipa. Mbava. U cannot win
Ya Kinnah it’s long overdue. Go & grab it I see a Cabinet Minister in you, talented & intelligent.
For sure coming cabinet doubt about that.
He is far better than this fake pastor Malani Mtonga who is good at bonking women. Kinnah is a known personality with great love for his country. The former Malawi football star has also an advantage of living in Mzuzu which is closer to Chilumba, Karonga than Chileka in Blantyre where Malani Mtonga lives. You can not claim to be representing people in the constituency and yet you live very far from them and your interests are in another region. That is what we call taking people for granted. Malani Mtonga visits people when he needs votes but abondons them… Read more »
Kukhala ku Chileka kuthawa thengele?????? Eshhhh simuzatheka. Ndiye muziti boma silimatukula ku mpoto mukuyambisa nokha. Kamlepo and Co. Please go home and live amongst your people of Thengeleland. Eshhhh
Well done kinna, all madeya disgruntled, uncompatriote, and half baked goes to Mulamu wakalamba party. Given a chance to choose light and darkness all DDP sympathizers will choose darkness, but those for genuine change will choose new blood. All accomplice or sympathizers will be safe there or sindinakalambe ndiimabe parties
Malawian politics, a lot to be desired. All the best
Malani Mtonga waziwilatu kuti chake palibe. All the best Kinnah.
All the best kinnah electric Phiri…you made us love football whilst playing for the nation.