Malawi fundraiser to be screened on TV: SKY channel 572
The Malawi Floods Fundraiser affair aimed at mobilising funds and materials for those affected by the torrential rains, taking place this Saturday in Nottingham will be shown on television.
The event will be covered and screened by one of the UK’s leading television station; London based TVC News, an African News channel which relays its broadcasts on SKY channel 572
Producer for TVC News Katie Mark said her TV station, which is a 24 Hours news channel from an African perspective, is largely interested to send a crew to Nottingham from London to film the event and later televise it.
She said: “We are interested in coming down to film your event on Saturday for a package on our news hour.”
Mark informed Malawi Association UK in an email that TVC News will be sending a news correspondent, Joyce Ohajah and a cameraman to the event to cover the function.
“We would like to get interviews with The High commissioner Bernard Sande and some of the event organisers,” she said.
She added: “I’m guessing while we are there we can easily speak to people in attendance but please could you set up The High Commissioner and a V.I.P guest for us.”
Malawians in the UK have come together to raise funds for flood victims following a torrential rain that hit the Southern African country leaving at least 170 people dead and more than 200, 000 displaced. Livestock and crops have been swept away.
The fundraiser which is taking place at Hyson Green Youth Centre NG7 6ER will start at 2:00 pm and run through to 10:00pm and then thereafter there will be an after party at Kwacha Social Club, just a stone throw away from the venue of the event.
Please, let’s call their gathering a memorial service for people we lost due to floods.
Otherwise, our brothers and sisters in UK are disoriented.
Tikamapere za chisoni, sitivina ayi.. In our Malawian traditions.
May be they are doing it, the English way….
Zokondweletsa tiyeni tonse amalawi tigwirane manja and ena tisazitengere mmanyado koma tikhale ndi ntima wothandiza! Tonse omwe timakhala Ku south Africa malo okumana ndi Ku south gate mall lamulungu 2pm ofuna kudziwa zambiri ayimbe pa 0110581939 working ours or pa 0846058350. Komaso padzakhala kukhazikitsa bugwe lomwe lidzithandiza amalawi pa marilo ka pena munthu akagwidwa pa khani zosiyanasiyana kuphatikiza deport.
Partying after this particular event is not necessary
You don’t party with a broken heart