Malawi government to launch Vision 2020 successor formulation

President Peter Mutharika will on Friday preside together with Speaker of Parliament Ctaherine Gotani Hara and Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda – as heads of three arms of government –  the launch of  nationalwide consultations for  the  development of the Vision 2020 successor document in Lilongwe.

National Planning Commission Director General, Thomas Munthali (l) with one of the officials

National Planning Commission (NPC) says the  event to be held at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) will be held under the theme ‘Beyond Inclusive Envisioning to Getting Things Done.’

NPC had earlier organised the event to be held at Comesa Hall in Blantyre but announced that the venue th=has changed to BICC to allow members of parliament (MPs) to attend the event given that Parliament  will rise on Friday by noon.

Launched in 1998, Vision 2020 is set to expire  this  year and the  successor blueprint, National Transformation 2063  – the country’s long-term vision – will be launched.

Accoridng to NPC director general Thomas Munthali, the development of the Vision 2020 successor document will cost about K904 million.

NPC has since outlined several activities it intends to carry out until the launch of the plan this year.

Some of the core activities include consultative meetings with donors to market the roadmap to the new plan, procurement of capital equipment, engagement with the media and consultants, conducting  a joint research symposium as well as other sensitisation activities.

Togo-based Malawian Alex Nkosi, who is a policy analyst at International Trade Union Confederation, tipped crafters of the National Transformation 2063 to take stock of the Vision 2020 and learn from its weaknesses and strengths.

“Vision 2020 was long killed and buried even before its aspirations could bear fruits and only a few Malawians actually recall now that we had such a vision,” he said.

Meanwhile, NPC has assembled a Core Advisory Panel of 41 experts to offer advice on the country’s new vision and proposed development agenda in the Vision 2020 successor document. The panel is chaired by former Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor (economic affairs) Naomi Ngwira with former Secretary to the Treasury Ronald Mangani as vice-chairperson.

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Angoni apaphata
Angoni apaphata
5 years ago

Seriously. 903 million to produce a document?

H E Nyaphapi One
5 years ago

Of course.

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