Malawi govt challenged to tackle security breakdown
President Peter Mutharika’s government has been challenged to address the concerns on security breakdown as his rise to power after the May 20 Tripartite Elections, Malawi has witnessed a return of insecurity with many cases of armed robberies and theft reported.
Spokesman of United Democratic Front (UDF), Ken Ndanga, whose leader Atupele Muluzi is serving in the cabinet of Mutharika, called on DPP-led government to address the security elapse.
“Almost everyday we are hearing of daylight armed robbery and then a High Court judge being abducted. The issue of Malawi attracting investors will remain a pipe dream if we cannot deal with the issues of insecurity,” said Ndanga.

“No investor would put his money where security is not guaranteed,” he added.
Malawi Congress Party (MCP) secretary general Gustav Kaliwo also expressed concern, saying “there is security breakdown in Malawi. And this needs to be addressed.”
And Aford lone parliamentarian Enock Chihana who head parliamentary defence and security committee, said the issue of crime rise should be dealt as “a matter of urgency.”
Malawi Police said they are investigating thoroughly the reason for the security elapse and would rope in social scientists and criminologists to help in the research, according to National Police spokesperson Rhoda Manjolo.
Manjolo said instructions have been given to police stations to conduct intelligence-led sweeping operations and intensify investigations into security cases.
Police spokeswoman appealed to the general public that “ those who have information on perpetrators of crime to give it to police.”
Brigadier Misheck Chirwa, a lecturer in security studies at Mzuzu University (Mzuni), agreed with Manjolo that there is need to research into the matter.
“This [research] should take a longer period and the data collected can be analysed and then a proper conclusion reached to establish the cause,” Chirwa told a local newspaper.
Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Paul Chibingu has since assured that security situation will improve.
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