Malawi govt committed to multi-sectoral reforms – Kasaila

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Francis Kasaila has pledged to continue promoting multi-sectoral reforms embarked on soon after coming to power in 2014.

Kasaila: We are committed

Kasaila said this Wednesday in Lilongwe during the commemoration of Norway’s National day.

He said government continues to implement various reforms in order to meet the challenges the country is facing in various development sectors.

“We believe it is only through transformative change that we can meet the aspirations of our people and continue to enjoy the confidence and support of our partners among whom Norway stands prominently,” Kasaila pointed out.

He noted the assurance of Norway continued commitment to the partnership between the two countries saying it has been quick to work with this country and other partners in a constructive manner.

Kasaila commended the government of Norway for pleading to contribute to the World Bank’s fund for assisting developing countries, the International Development Association (IDA), the sum of US$ 321 million for 2017 to 2020 Programme.

“These funds which will assist developing countries in areas of health and nutrition, water, teacher training, safe motherhood, child immunization, renewable energy, financial services and revenue collection, are a clear testimony of Norway’s commitment to uplifting of standards in development countries.” the Minister explained.

Kasaila viewed that the resources will enable countries such as Malawi to make significant progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

He said the pledge is in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) adopted at the end of the Financing for Development Conference in August 2015, which served a critical ingredient for implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda adopted in New York in September 2015.

Norwegian Ambassador to Malawi, Kikkan Haugen said Malawi need to continue implementing reforms in many sectors in order to achieve meaningful economic development.

He explained that many reforms have been initiated such as public service, decentralization, land and electoral, but they all have away to go before being fully implemented.

Haugen pointed out that some reforms are still outstanding like reforms of the agricultural markets making them more predictable and investor friendly.

“We wish to commend government for taking up the challenge to ensure that reforms are being implemented in various sectors. I wish to assure the government of our support towards the success implementation of these reforms in the country,” he added.

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Dr Akweni Mulanje West
Dr Akweni Mulanje West
7 years ago

Kasaila nana nsete zili thooooo. Anthu atsankho inu

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