Malawi govt to completely waive off duty on vehicles bought by ministers and MPs

Minister of Finance Joseph Mwanamveka is planning amend the Regulations under the Customs and Excise (Tariffs) Order so that motor vehicles bought duty free by cabinet ministers and Members of Parliament be disposed of without payment of duty upon expiry of the term of office.

Mwanamvekha: Writes MRA

He has since written to the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) last Thursday (May 21) advising it that this will be applied beginning with the 2019-24 cohort of Ministers and Members of Parliament.

The Regulations under the Customs and Excise (Tariffs) Order will be amended accordingly to facilitate that the CPC 419 and CPC 420 of the Customs and Excise (Tariffs) Order for Ministers and MPs respectively be amended.

However an analyst, Misheck Msiska, commenting on social media believes the Minister is abusing his office, saying there are special conditions attached to Assets imported duty-free under a CPC.

“Let me start by saying that duty waiver under a CPC is a special dispensation to serve an important purpose,” Msiska said.

“The CPC concerned here allows Cabinet Ministers and MPs to buy cars at a lower price especially for use during their terms of office.”

He adds that the important condition attached to a CPC is that one cannot sell an asset bought duty-free to another person who is not entitled to the privilege without paying duty.

“The Minister of Finance here is abusing his office. The law is clear on this matter. Some of the vehicles concerned would attract more than 120% duty, and if you calculate that on a CIF K50 million vehicle you can see that there is looting going on.

“They simply want to sell the brand new vehicles bought duty free using money borrowed from Government, which will not be repaid.”

He added that the Minister doesn’t have power to change the law governing conditions of a Customs Procedure Code.

“An asset under a CPC cannot be disposed duty free. I am not sure about where the Minister is drawing those powers,” Msiska said.

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Concerned citizen
Concerned citizen
4 years ago

Total conflict of interest.

Extremely poor governance. Lack of accountability.

Abuse of office.

Mbonga Matoga
Mbonga Matoga
4 years ago

Custom gate….as they exist govt…..

If this is done in good faith then it should start with the next cohort of MPs and minsters

4 years ago

In my next life, I want to be an MP, a president and the biggest crook in Malawi…worse than DPP!!!
These mthrfckrs are taking our nation as their own village. The end is insight!

Concerned citizen
Concerned citizen
4 years ago


This will also lead to abuse.

Our leaders totally lack innovation. If they were talking about equipment for manufacturing, where people would be employed, then this makes sense, but not these luxury goods.

They have no clue what their role is.


Jerusalem Bible College
Jerusalem Bible College
4 years ago

Koma DPP imaganiza mwa unyekhwedi. At this point ndizomakamba zithu zokomela nduna and aphungu okha? With elections u could have been talking about how poor people will benefit from the government rather than kumangoonjezela chuma kwa anthu olemela okha okha, kudzikonda.

Mangochi Kabwafu
Mangochi Kabwafu
4 years ago

That’s the more reason we need to get rid of these dogs.

4 years ago

They only think how to loot government! These conmen

4 years ago

HRDC and Ombudswoman Chizuma please take this up

4 years ago

Dear Sir, I am submitting my job application to be a minister.

Kondwani Chisale
Kondwani Chisale
4 years ago

WTF is this Minister Doing he is one of the Corrupt Monsters when he was with Ministry of Trade and Industries he has been getting Lot of Money from the Business People foe Pemits and Licence to Import Restricted Goods in Malawi If you Refer to the MRA Schedule of Restricted Goods Import List ‘SALT’ is a Basic and Necessary item for. Every Day and Every Human Being But I have seen in Malawi it is a Restricted Item to Import you can Import but you need a Permit to Import from Ministry of Trade and Industries Which increases the… Read more »

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