Malawi judges on shortlist of nominees for Chatham House Prize 2020
The five judges of the High Court who were sitting as a Constitutional Court that overturned last year’s ‘Tipp-Ex election’ in Malawi and ordering a fresh elections which later turned out to oust former president Peter Mutharika in power, have been shortlisted by UK think-thank Chatham House among three nominees for the 2020 Chatham House Prize.
The Chatham House Prize is presented to the person, persons or organization deemed by members of Chatham House to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in the previous year.
The selection process is independent, democratic and draws on the deep knowledge of Chatham House’s research teams, making the Prize a distinctive and unique award in the field of international affairs.
According to a letter to the Malawi judges addressed to Healy Potani the judge president of the Constitution Court which annulled 2019 votes signed by director of Chatham House
Dr Robin Niblett, the Council of Chatham House has included on the shortlist of three nominees for the 2020 Chatham House Prize the five Malawi judges.
“The bravery shown by you and your fellow Honourable Justices Ivy Kamanga, Redson Kapindu, Dingiswayo Madise and Michael Tembo in protecting the constitutional process has made a strong impression on our research programmes and our three presidents,” reads the letter in part.
Since its establishment in 1920, Chatham House has been a world-leading centre for research and analysis of international affairs.
The first Chatham House prize was won by Victor Yuschenko, President of the Ukraine.
Since then winners have included Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil; Joaquim Chissano, President of Mozambique; and John Kufuor, President of Ghana.
“Once again, our congratulations on this nomination which recognizes the very significant contribution that we believe you have made to improve the state of international relations this past year,” the Chatham director writes Potani.
The award is presented on behalf of the institute’s patron, Her Majesty the Queen, representing the non-partisan and authoritative character of the Prize.
In delivering the landmark ruling on February 3, Justice Healey Potani said: “It is almost impossible to have an election free of irregularities. However, in the present matter our finding is that the anomalies and irregularities have been so widespread, systematic and grave such that the integrity of the result was seriously compromised, and can’t be trusted as the will of voters of the May 21, 2019 election.”
In a landmark ruling for the country, the court described the conduct of the electoral commission as “very lacking and demonstrated incompetence.”
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Agogo ku Mangochi ko, mukumva bwanji mthupimo?
Congratulations to the Big 5, Our High Court judges, the Pride of Malawi, and Africa at large. You have done us all proud, and certainly deserves a medal. You stood on the ‘rare’ truth, and nothing else but for the truth. You surpassed all the monetary temptations, and remarkably fought for what you believed was right, and according to the constitution of Malawi, for the betterment of the poor masses. It is a rare element in African judiciary, and you have been exceptional, and excemplary. That is the very same reason why you are being recognised and applauded. Congratulations once… Read more »
Malawi judges cant win any mark my words
They already won just by virtue of being selected.
Win what in your version? Kikkkkkk can’t you see that you are out of Gafamenti? Is this not a win? Kikkkkkkk!
Mmmmm you are not God.Dpp Cadet where don’t you understand? Iweyo zako zada 😂😂😂
Aaaa Cadet Cadet vuto siiweyo but what is inside you.God is not you.Sukumvetsa pati kut Boma la DPP was buried on 23th June 2020?:kumwamba kukakana kwakana basi.Asiyen ma judge atenge ma award they them.Osat zanu za Jane Ansah zoiononga chilungamo pitanu ku Ndata kwa Mbuyewanu uko
The judges did not have to be brave
They were free
They were never threatened by anybody
Let us hope our new government will also let people be free
They were not free. They were under pressure from losing DPP who tempted them with bribes worth billions of MK. It took their bravery to stick to justice. Nyekhwe is rral
These judges they deserve that award, Malawians are at peace now not zatipex zija.All the best our judges,we love you.Anthu ena amafuna Kut azilamulira ndi mavotes a tippex.Tonse got 58.5% mmalo mwa 55% which means malawians wanted change.We got the Change we wanted.Dpp out, macadet akulirabe.More nyekhwe mbava za DPP.Masaporters adpp awoneko zina nanga kumangowanamiza.Chichokereni DPP zabedwa zingati ndalama zaboma,zero.Magalimoto aboma ndi aja mbava zimawataya mumusewu.I love change , change is good,awanso akuyendesa panowa akamaba tiziwanso tidzawachonsanso.
The award shortlisting process has to be there, even Trump as also shortlisted for the Noble prize but there was no way he could win it because of his character. These judges dont deserve this award because they were used to favour the opposition, there is nothing really that may warrant them to win. Stupid judges and Laz is busy awarding them for their biased judgement on the case. Trust me, even those out there know the truth and it shall always prevail. That was the worst judgement in Malawi by these judges with their brains full of water.
Kumeneko ndiye kulira kwa eni mbumba!🤣😪😫😭😰😹🙊
A point of correction: Donald Trump was never shortlisted for the Nobel prize. It was Trump himself who told his crazy MAGA supporters at a rally that he himself should have gotten the prize.
Chatham House is a UK based think-tank and is the body that has nominated them for an award. There is nothing to do with Laz awarding the charges.
Iwe usadzivute DPP inaluza fullstop
Who shortlisted Trump? He tried and failed to bribe world leaders (ie. Japanese PM) to nominate him.
Awarding these judicial-coup judges? What for? What more does the world learn from these corrupt Malawi judges apart from learning how courts are used for stealing victory from legitimate election winners? To hell with your awards you white hypocritic europeans (yes with small e).
Parapain capsules will help
Anamalira akuchimkanzi
Pedegu, chimutu chofoila chingaganize za nzeru? Thomu akuayankhatu milandu pofuna kugula Chilungamo chomwecho! Basi tizingova zainu aLwomwe Pano? Mwagwa nayobe! Munali andani ache Daniel Phiri! Pakanapanda Pedegu mzako Bakili Alison Muluzi? Ndiye pano muiwaletu zodzalamulaso Malawi! Ngakhale Alison Muluzi akudziwaso kuti basi, Dziko lapatsidwaso kwa eni ake a Malawi. Mamina!
This is the cry of DPP cadet
Some thieves get s0 lucky to the extent that they get shortlisted for awards. These judges are competing with MPICO in terms of property portfolios, can ACB also do a land search and see how much these judges hold? Its a shocker
DPP cadet can not be happy with this award. This is obvious. That’s your problem. But meaning Malawians salute these judges and they deserve the award.
Sanje siumuna,inuso khalani Judge kuti mukhale a chuma! Koma ulesi ndi kuba basi! Kugona ndi tiana kupeleka zimimba basi.Gondolosi!
Even here at home let us also award something to these people, True people of God and surely we ought to do something because they represented all opposition Malawians. Akulu aja Kuba kwambiri kaya kwa America uko M’makhala nawonso bwanji m’kamwa mopanda mano muja.
I dont know if any client of Kaphale will yield anything at the court, Chattam House has shamed the boy and lets about the money he got from mec.
Is this name Kaphale still existing?🤷