Malawi Law Society slam Msonda’s ‘kill the gays’ remarks: Police asked to act on hate speech

Malawi Law Society (MLS)  has condemned Ken Msonda, who is the spokesperson for the former ruling People’s Party (PP ) for his recent remarks on homosexuality, demanding that gays be killed after the country’s justice minister Samuel Tembenu put a temporary prohibition on anti-homosexual laws.

Suzi-Banda: Malawi Law Society reports Msonda's Facebook hate post to Police for action
Suzi-Banda: Malawi Law Society reports Msonda’s Facebook hate post to Police for action

Msonda made headlines last week when he posted on his Facebook timeline that gays should be murdered in Malawi and described homosexuals as being worse than dogs and that gays and lesbians were “sons and daughters of the devil”.

He also called on government to clarify its stance on homosexuality.

But Msonda’s tough stance against homosexuality had angered Malawi Law Society, who have since condemned his remarks as “hate speech” and referred the matter to Malawi Human Rights Commission and Police to probe.

The lawyers said Msonda’s remarks were “contemptible, irresponsible and bordering on hate speech.”

In a statement jointly issued by MLS president John Suzi Banda and its honorary secretary Khumbo Soko, the law society said Msonda’s remarks are “certainly beneath anybody who lays claim to being a leader in our country.”

The lawyers also observed with concern the “increasingly homophobic statements” in Malawi.

The MLS has reminded Malawians that hate speech is not covered by the constitutional guarantee of free speech.

“Calling on members of the LGBTI community to be killed is hate speech and is not protected by the Constitution. It is in fact criminal,” MLS statement reads,

MLS said they have referred Msonda’s Facebook post to Malawi Human Rights Commission and the Malawi Police Service “so that they investigate the said conduct and take appropriate action.”

The law society said it “unequivocally affirms” that the rights of LGBTI people in Malawi are human rights which are protected under Chapter IV of the Constitution of Malawi.

“ The inherent dignity of all of our citizens, which in terms of the Constitution is inviolable, requires the state and all Malawians to take steps that ensure that persons are not treated differently solely on the basis of their sexual orientation,” reads the statement.

MLS said debate on homosexuality should be conducted “in a spirit of civility.”

Msonda is not the first Malawian to have openly discriminated against homosexuals.

A Catholic bishop recently stated those of homosexual orientation were “horrible sinners.”

Minister of Justice, Samuel Tembenu, reaffirmed that LGBTI people are not to be arrested by Malawi Police or prosecuted while lawmakers in the country continue to re-examine the existing laws prohibiting homosexuality.

The announcement was made after the charges of sodomy, brought up against a gay couple, were dropped earlier this month. Former Justice Minister, Ralph Kasambara, revealed the position of the government first in 2012, when Msonda’s PP was in power.

Gay rights groups praised the Malawian government for its commitment towards protecting the rights of the LGBT community and other minorities.

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kazionere wanunkha
9 years ago

Zisiyeni zizukulu za satanazo zizinyengana konyerelako ndipo aziyembekezera kuti tsiku lina kuzayasama ndikuyamba kutaya manyi paliponse ndipamene azaziwe kuti Mulungu amalenga chinthu ndi cholinga

9 years ago

John Phiri, if you are too ignorant and can’t even write proper English why attempt to lecture people about God and the bible?? If you think Malawian donors are mad people because they encourage Malawians to treat homosexuals like everybody else, then why do you believe in the ‘bible’? Didn’t the same mad people introduce religion and the bible to Africa?? If you have no sensible comments please shove your ignorance up your big foot

Jalali ossman
9 years ago

kodi mipingo inatha Ku Malawi zinthu zi kuwonongeka mukungoyana kodi ma verse akuakuti chani

John Phiri
John Phiri
9 years ago

Concerned Malawian VOICE OF YOUTH: Kirk out Bisexual, Whore and thefts advocators if you are brave leader or let people Kirk out these Fools themselves for the sake of our Malawi. Foolish minds and self glorification from individual prefects as a result of benefit of a particular interest is lack of self esteem in making wise decision on patterning issues like of currently unpopular bisexual issue. Bisexual issue is nonnegotiable. If I was a President of Malawi could do a wise mistake in taking the right thing go first and ambush all foolish thinking which is busy whistling to ring… Read more »

9 years ago

Kodi Baibulo ndi Buku la Malamulo a Malawi, champhamvu mchiani? Akuluakulu enanu a Matchalitchi wakula ndi umphawi. Mukuona zinthu zikuonongeka mungoyang’ana kufuna kudya nawo zamathangula. Mphekesela zimati a mathanyula amwamwaza ndalama zochuluka ndipo mitu yanu yazungulila. Mulungu akuwona zonsezi tsiku lina mudzalira mai kalanga!!! Achinyamata ambiri mimba zao zimatupa ndi mathanyula.Achipatala zanu izo!!! Ambuye Mulungu onjezani vuto lina pa anthu anyasiwa. Ambuye akantheni musasiye adziwe kuti ndinudi MULUNGU wa ana ISILAYELI.

9 years ago

Tembenu kodi unachokera ku matako?? Umapephera iwe chitsiru iwe et chikhope kunyasa et mesa uli ndi ana iwe bas vuto kutumidwa ndi the stupid,bastard panyapawo whites pipo machende ako wanva ndi mzako yemweyo

9 years ago

The thing is this gay and lesbians are west plans obama and pope are behind this evil my fellow malawians lets refuse this satanic behaviour

9 years ago

Ndinu anthu osochela aja mukufuna kt Malawi ankhale ngt mayiko enawa opanda chinkhulupiro. Mr Banda and Tembenu,mukutiuza kt kunyumbako kulibe wamayi ???? Mufikila mtsinkhu wanuwo makolo anu onse ndi achimuna mulibe mayi anu ??? Ambuye kumwamba angankhale opusa kulenga mwamuna ndi mkazi ?????? You are nt ason of God bt de son of devil.

9 years ago

ISIS where are you, come and behead this bastards.

9 years ago

Pepani nonse chooonde

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