Malawi man claims new herbal HIV/AIDS cure
Another Malawian has claimed to have found herbal concontions that might help to cure HIV/AIDS.
Dr Zakeyu Banda who resides in Area 25 in the capital Lilongwe has claimed more than 10,000 people have been cured from the virus after receiving his medication.
“It was during one night when an unknown person approached me saying he wanted to show me a tree which can be used to cure various diseases including AIDS. He advised me to go out and help those who are suffering from various diseases including AIDS,” said Banda.
“After taking the barks of the tree whose name I cannot disclose, I pound the barks until they become powdered. One table spoon can make a person free from the virus. Usually I advise them to take the medication for three months so that there can be complete removal of the virus,” Banda explained.
Mchape, a traditional concoction in Malawi stormed the HIV cure scene with pomp, but disappeared silently in disgrace.

Many other initially promising but ultimately doomed pretenders to the cure for HIV have come and gone, but the elusive conqueror of the devastating virus remains well beyond the horizon.
But Banda who comes from Chilombo Village, Traditional Authority Kabudula in Lilongwe said he started helping people in 2003 when he was in Mzimba district, challenges anybody to bring an HIV-positive person for treatment.
“It is very unfortunate that some people still believe that AIDS has no cure, I feel so bad when I hear people speaking like that for I have the medication,” said Banda.
Ministry of Health spokesperson Henry Chimbali said: “What we know at present is that AIDS has no cure and any claims of cure need to be substantiated through a rigorous exercise of what we call randomised controlled trials and other laboratory examinations too.”
Recently a Lilongwe-based Malawian woman Gloria Jeremiah said her Garani MW 1 Herb is the real deal the world has been waiting for to fight against the HI virus.
Unlike other concoctions, Garani is backed by data in the field.
Preliminary analysis was done at Chancellor College’s Chemistry Department under Professor Saka with the consent of the Office of the President and Cabinet, Nutrition, HIV and Aids.
The herb was also given to the Malawi Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board for analysis. Preliminary results found three major moieties (parts or functional groups of a molecule) in the powder which need to be further identified, according to Jeremiah.
She said things became tricky when government demanded that she reveal the name of the tree from which she gets the powder so that it is fully analysed before it can be certified and patented.
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