Malawi march for life ‘just a taste of things to come’
The nationwide pro-life rallies which were organized by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) of the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) are just a taste of things to come as the faith organisations are protesting all aspects that affects life on a host of social and economic fronts.

Many people who spoke to Nyasa Times in Lilongwe, Blantyre and Mzuzu said rather than protesting against an impending Termination of Pregnancy Bill, they cited more varied reasons for joining the protests.
In addition to voicing opposition to legalising abortion and same-sex liasons, they say they are expressing anger with blackouts, water shortages, ailing economy and worsening corruption in government.
ECM Secretary General Reverend Father Henry Saindi when presenting the petition on pro-life at Parliament hinted that the faith leaders would organize what he called another massive demos against inconsistencies in various social amenities in the country.
“Be reminded that it’s the church that brought democracy in this country. Never play games with faith issues,” said Saindi.
“We will be back soon; bigger and stronger,” he said.
Having started at St Patricks’ Catholic Church Parish in Area 18, the marchers clad largely in white thronged the Presidential Highway from Area 18 roundabout all the way to the Parliament Building.
In the capital Lilongwe, Muslim Sheiks, Rastas, Secretary General of Nkhoma CCAP Synod Reverend Vasco Kachipapa, EAM deputy secretary general Reverend Grey Mwalamu, Pastor Matilda Matabwa of the Malawi Assemblies of God, and Bishop of the Upper Shire of the Anglican Church Brighton Malasa were some of the top clergy in attendance.
Police say the demonstrations were largely peaceful.
To hell with those who think abortion and homosexuality are not issues worthy protesting against.We want culture of life not death in this country.The sanctity of life is paramount to any other issue like blackouts,corruption..etc.
It’s stuff like this that makes Malawi look like a third world nation. Instead of focussing on things that really matter, poverty, jobs, roads, water, you go and get a mob to rally against what consenting adults do in their bedroom as well as abortion; what if a woman is raped? What if she cannot afford to look after a child? It’s these religious extremists that make your continent look so frightening to people on the outside. What is it with Africans and meddling in people’s private lives? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! If you want to be religious, do it,… Read more »
Think outside box brother. its a shame that you belong to certain faith. what is marked wrong in the bible, no one can change that.
copper ur a wrotten nut & total bastard. if our nations looks third word stick ur dirty tail away from it. who told u we want to look first world? we were much better before u came to thief here in africa. now u wanna infect our minds with ur sick gay ideologies. go fuck ur fellow wite man from where u and ur dirty culture belong not here in Africa. leave my Africa alone voetseik
I agree that abortion should not be legalized, however the church should encourage the families to follow safe family planning methods, otherwise the population boom being experienced here in Malawi defeats the whole purpose of enjoying economic rights. Those calling for legalisation of abortion are doing so after observing that family planning methods are not working and unwanted/unplanned pregnancies are on the increase (ending up with unsafe abortions) and are very costly to our perenial under funded health system. As for Gay rights, I have never been convinced that people are born gay/lesbian. They’re the equivalent of pepple born with… Read more »
Malawi and the world ali ndi malo ambiri opanda anthu, so that argument is baseless. The main problem here is sin driving people to think towards such lines.
Agenda 21. 500,000,000 people on planet earth. Mostly non Africans. So they promote death, self Destructive behavior like homosexuality , bestiality, abortions. That is the nature of the cave creatures of azungu . Destroy kill and corrupt and they call that civilization . Those who think this is progress they should read the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis the antediluvian age where everything was permissible until the most high creator destroyed the earth .
Wakumva amve. Mtund utha psyiti.
With this attitude Malawi will remain poor. Churches have failed and religion itself fails to provide solutions to people’s problems in the modern world. If you look around the world people in the so-called ‘religious countries’ are suffering from either poverty, conflict and oppression including that of women/girls. The church has survived on oppressing women and making them internalise oppression through perpetuating patriarchal culture, of course, that is why ironically women are still ignorant about this and support their own opression. If the churches in Malawi were successful in their teaching then we would not be having all the evils… Read more »
Well said!
So you think if legalized abortion and same-sex marriages problems will go away? Think like human being. what is wrong will be long forever. there is no proof that legalization of same-sex and and abortion will decrease problems mentioned above, rather, will bring more problems. Dont allow your greedy minds rule you.
But you have demonstrated on this issue only: What about seven corrupt cabinet ministers who have killed more people that abortionists and filthy mathanyulas. We need more from you the church otherwise……..
This is really really really wonderful. Malawi has declared its stand on homosexuality. Its absolute NO. Malawi has declared its stand on abortion. Its a absolute NO. Let the whole world understand this. Let UN and America listen to our declaration. Just like President Kenyatta told President Obama in the face that homosexuality is unacceptable in Kenya, Malawians themselves declared to the whole world on behalf of Malawi Government that homosexuality and abortion are UNACCEPTABLE in Malawi. Forward ever and backward never my motheland!!!!
Homosexuality has existed on every continent since the dawn of time. No one chooses to be gay, it is just the way we are. You do however choose to be a hateful bigot. It’s not really your fault, you’re fed propaganda by religious extremists who don’t care about you; they won’t advocate for condoms and allow women to have babies they can’t afford and then starve to death. How very Christian. And by the way, you realise Madonna, a staunch ally of LGBT people just raised thousands of dollars for your country and that a large portion of her audience… Read more »
i want to disagree with you. no one is born a gay or lesbian. its individuals choice. your rational argument is wrong hence you always make wrong decisions. The bible will give us proper guidance on how to live well
This is what we term liberation theology where the people themselves are articulating their own theology because of the perils and oppressive experiences in the society. We need more of this and change is coming I can assure you let us remain united