Malawi needs federalism, power-sharing – MPs Kamlepo, Mwenefumbo

Vocal lawmakers from the northern region have demanded that the calls for federal system of government and power-sharing should be decided upon through a referendum.

Kamlepo Kalua, MP for Rumphi east and Karonga Central MP Frank Mwenefumbo noted in Parliament that the current political scenario is passing through extreme fluid conditions due to widespread calls for federism.

Kamlepo: Let citizens decide on federalism through Yes or No vote
Kamlepo: Let citizens decide on federalism through Yes or No vote

The two lawmakers pointed out that the northern region, where others are also calling for north to be a standalone country, is underdeveloped due to segregation.

“You can only fight an idea with a counter idea and not with a weapon. People of the north will not be intimidated by anything or anyone in fighting for federation,” said Mwenefumbo.

Kalua said federalism movement is unstoppable now.

He said like the wind of multiparty democracy, federism will be blowing unless resources are distributed equally.

“There is too much sectionalism. And when people today are calling for a federal government it’s because of such treatment that people of the north have faced in the past and they are still facing today,” said Kalua.

Despite protest from some MP that calls for federalism would bring disorder in the National Assembly, Speaker of the parliament Richard Msowoya, said: “This is a speaking house. This is a debating chamber. Members you are given an opportunity to say what you feel like saying”

He said members were airing what is coming from the people they are representing.

“Don’t be individualistic when you stand on point of order. Don’t be individualistic when you make presentation. You must talk openly and this is the house where you can say what you want to say and members will be given an opportunity to also counter you in anyway. This is not the house of threats, this is the house where members are debating national issues,” he clarified.

Among those petitioning for the North Malawi to be a standalone state or federal system of government is People’s Party (PP) provincial chairperson Reverend Christopher Mzomera Ngwira.

He has accused government of “blatant scaremongering” and using misleading statements to chiefs to campaign against North to become a standalone entity like South Sudan.

Presidential adviser Symon Vuwa Kaunda has been meeting chiefs in the north in what he says are “consultations” on federalism and secession debate.

Kaunda said he is on a mission delegated by President Peter Mutharika to persuade the chiefs – with monetary gratification of course – to speak against the federalism.

But Ngwira said the north’s destiny is with the people in the region and not “selfish leaders” who he said are “getting positions and millions of taxpayers’ kwacha” in countering the emerging calls for federalism and secession.

Ngwira stressed that it is well documented that the North has long been sidelined, deceived and taken for a ride.”

Ngwira said all the chiefs who have spoken against North Malawi independence are saying so under the influence of “money being distributed.”

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10 years ago

These people think us northerners we are stupid,for how long will us bear your oppression.for how long will north be dead as kamuzu repeatedly said,WHAT does this stupid quota system mean to the north?its just awind started blowing expect hail storm,bear in mind all game changers hailed from north,

10 years ago

A Nyasa times tayesani kuika zithunzi zatsopano. Bambo kamlepo Kaluwa pano ndi a Hon Mp ndipo akuwoneka bwino ndithu atamenta ndevu. chonde yesasani kuika zithunzi zabwino (as you are also moving with technology please do like wise)

10 years ago

i agree with kamlepo…there is nothing in the budget for rumphi east constituency where he comes from while other constituencies in the south have projects like roads, bridges, hospitals in the budget…maybe if the budgets were done at regional level…constituents like his could have also been considerd…hence federalism. Good one Kamlepo!

David Mweso
David Mweso
10 years ago

It looks like Mr Richard Msowoya knows his job as speaker of Parliament. We really need Federal System of Government in Malawi.

10 years ago

Start packing you dogs! Pack and go to the north you dogs! Leave our land you dogs! Leave our jobs you dogs! In fact, the south would be a better place without you dogs!

Mwini Mbumba
Mwini Mbumba
10 years ago

Abale Bane, Mukuteta Waka,in Malawi We Are Very Far With That System Of Government Tindalama Take Topempha Tomweti, Kodi Nanu Ma Northeners Ngati Mumakangana Nokha Nokha, Six Districts More Political Parties, AFORD,NASAF,MGODE,MDP,NARC,PETRA,CSR,CHA AKASAMBARA,kungotchula Zochepa,kumpoto mupange Chipani Chimodzi Ndiye Muyambe Nkhani Ya FEDRAL GOVERNMENT, Anthu Akumvani Ndipo Akuthandizani Without Doing That, Mulopwana Mulupale Azingoku Njoyani,

Nyembezi Mwale
Nyembezi Mwale
10 years ago

There is absolutely nothing wrong for citizens to demand equity and fairness in distribution of national resources. If there is a governance system that ensures that citizens obtain fairness, that system should be supported and upheld. It does not matter whether the cry for equity and fairness is made by someone from Chapananga, Mbulumbundzi, Chintheche, Manjawila, Nambuma, Chatoloma or Mphompha. Every citizen is entitled to benefits as a Malawian. There should be no segregation when it comes to sharing developmental benefits. If a governance system is discriminatory, it has to be condemned in the strongest terms. Nepotistic tendencies will simply… Read more »

Robert Zandonda
Robert Zandonda
10 years ago

ine ndikufuna North yathu ikhale limodzi ndi TZ.Better than kukhala ndi mbuzi zopanda nzeruzi

Mu Anglicana
Mu Anglicana
10 years ago

You see this system is not a strange thing all together. The Church for instance has been run like this. For example if you take our Church Anglican Church each Diocese is a stand alone Diocese and we meet with other Dioceses in a federal state where the Archbishop is one among the equals. This is the same in Malawi. People look at us as one Church but our government is at a Diocesan base as a house. We meet with others in a federal state where one is a chairman or a president. This is what should happen to… Read more »

10 years ago


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