Malawi netball legend Emma Mzagada dies

Former Malawi Queens and and Thunder Queens (formerly MTL Queens)  star Emma Mzagada has died  at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre on Monday after a long illness.

Ex Malawi Queens top-notch shooter Emma Mzagada dies:  She was sick in a ramshackle her late grandmother lef

Mzagada diligently served the Malawi Queens as a top-notch shooter from 1995 to 2009, winning numerous individual awards including the ‘Netball Player of the Year’ accolade six times in a row from 2000.

A top-notch shooter,  Mzagada had been bedridden at her ramshackle house in Chilomoni Township, Blantyre, for about four years with  is a deep wound in her right-leg.

Malawi netball export Mwai Kumwenda expressed shock with the death of Mzagada whm she described as one of  the shooter who inspired her.

Kumwenda said  the contribution Mzagada made to the status of Malawi netball on the global stage cannot be  forgotten.

“Malawi netball is well-known in the world due to the standards players such as Mzagada set in terms of performance. In fact, she is one of the top-players that inspired me to take netball as my favourite sport,” Kumwenda said.

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6 years ago

may her saul rest in peace

6 years ago

Just rest assured that as the expensive casket is being purchased using one hand,the other hand is collecting a 20% kick back enough to buy all the food the departed legend would have needed for the whole year. Hypocrites.

USA base
USA base
6 years ago


6 years ago

So sad to our National heroes die like that.Why do we only recognise politicians as National Heroes?This trend must stop now.May Her Soul Rest In Peace

Nox Nthambi
Nox Nthambi
6 years ago

RIP Emma. When Emma needed our support we decided to stay away from her in the comfort of your homes in Malawi and abroad. Now Emma is gone we are busy making statements as if we helped Emma with anything to overcome her problems. Malawians please lets stop praising people when they are gone but rather help them when they need our help and prayers. Apa timva kuti a NAM agula coffin ya K800, 000.00 yet Emma was struggling to feed herself. Is that true love? Shame on you netball officials, government officials and current netball prayers for not doing… Read more »

6 years ago

NAM osamuthandizako kumaliza nyumba basi koma kumangoyamikira. Eish!!!

6 years ago

RIP Emma and my condolence to the bereaved family

6 years ago


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