Malawi nutritionist says breast milk pumping should be encouraged
Principal Nutritionist at the Ministry of Health, Sylvester Kathumba, advised working mothers to pump breast milk for their babies to replace milk substitutes.

According to breastmilk pumping also called expressing is a way of taking breastmilk from the breast without the baby needing to suckle from the mother as the mother can do this by using hands, a manual pump or an electric pump.
Kathumba said breast milk has all the necessary nutrients that a baby requires for them to grow whereas formula milk can be hard on babies in the sense that a baby’s digestive system is immature and it is unable to break down all the particles contained in formula.
He said if a mother pumps milk, the baby can be able to enjoy the benefits of breastmilk if the baby is not able to breast feed or if the mother will not be available all the time.
According to the 2016 Demographic Health Survey findings, Malawi’s number of exclusively breast fed babies has dropped to 61 percent from 71 percent.
“The drop in the number of breastfed babies is a set back to the goal of Malawi vision 2020 which seeks at attaining sustainable economic and social development, food security and nutrition improvement, most importantly end infant mortality which is at 42 in every one thousand babies,” he said.
Kathumba added that pumping breast milk can help in increasing the number of exclusively breastfed babies.
Agreeing with Kathumba, Chairperson and founder of a group called “pumping the way to go” Mlezi Tsilizani said pumped milk can be kept for four day in a refrigerator, for four months in a freezer and six hour at room temperature.
“Milk should be stored in small quantities measuring what a baby can be able to finish in one feeding, and storing in small quantities allows for easy thawing and warming,” she said.
Tsilizani however discouraged mothers from freezing breast milk saying it destroys some of its antibodies which are essential for the baby to help it fight infections frozen breastmilk is still healthier for the baby than formula milk.
According to the World Health Organization breastfeeding has cognitive and health benefits for both infants and their mothers, it is especially critical during the first six months of life, helping prevent pneumonia and diarrhoea two major causes of death in infants.
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Nkhani yabwino kwambiri imeneyi bcoz its an alternative kwa amene palivuto kuti ayamwise mwakathithi mwana wawo mwina pa zifukwa ngati kudwala kapena ku ntchito komwe mwina pa zifukwa zina akuona kuti sangakwanise kukayamwisila mwanayo ku ntchitoko. Kwa amene sangakwanise kupeza zipangizo ngati awonesa pa mwambozo i hope anenaso kuti kuti mutha kugwirisa ntchito manja…
izi musaziyambitse mulibe zipangizo zothandizila anthuakadwala nazo izi. nza anthu olemera izi.
abwana siyani kulimbikila ntunda opanda madzi. dziko lathuli lili kutali zedi to implement the issue. inu munayamwa mpaka kukula olo amanu kufinya mkaka , anthu amafinya nkaka zikavuta pa dzana lija. nde muzipeleka zipangizo zake??? komaso anthu pofunila kuchuka>??????? bwanji osangolimbikitsa njila zomwe zilipozi. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
The comments above are good…..the most important thing is to agree that Breast milk is the best and most important food for the child for it does not only save life but it also improves the quality of life. Mwana sadwaladwala chifukwa mu mkaka wa mmawere muli chitetezo chomwe chimathandiza mwanayu, muli zakudya zonse zofunikira kuphatikizapo madzi kuti mwana akule bwino. Choncho kumpatsa mwana mkakawu okhaokha mpaka miyezi 6 from birth (180 days) ndi chinthu chofunika kwambiri. Akakwana miyezi 6 ayamwebe kwinaku mukumpatsa zakudya zina zoyenera za magulu 6 zimanenedwa zija.. Koma amayi ena amakhala kuti ali pa ntchito olo… Read more »