Malawi police arrest 3 Muslims: Punches fly in Mangochi mosque brawl

Malawi Police Services have arrested  three Islamic  members  after  a fight between two sects of Quadria and Sukut  on Monday fought in a mosque in Masuku Village in Traditional Authority (T/A) Bwananyambi over gifts provided  by Bilal Trust.

Tension between two Muslim sects of Quadria and Sukut

Mangochi Police Station spokesperson Rodrick Maida identified the suspects as Maulana Gibson, 28, Osman Kapungu, 23 and Nervous Yusuf, 35.

Maida said the violence at the mosque led to some members smashing other people’s houses, including that of group village head Masuku.

The mosque at Masuku has been a centre of contention between Quadria and Sukut Muslims,, especially after Bilal Trust built the mosque.

Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM) chairperson in Mangochi Sheikh Fahd Kamsuli said the Bilal Trust donation was meant for the trust’s staff and not the community members who fought.

Kamsuli said on this particular day, it was the Quadria group which invaded the mosque, thinking the trust had brought gifts for the Sukut group.

“That was when the fight started and the Quadria group even blocked the trust from handing over the gifts.”

The sheikh said MAM has since resolved to mobilise resources to build another mosque for the Quadria sect to maintain peace between the two groups.

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Kwame Nkruma
Kwame Nkruma
6 years ago

Muzzelmans fight among each other. They are a threat to the entire world and stop progress. What kind of belief is this.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kwame Nkruma

Kwame Nkruma You are so right also don’t forget they have been threat to each other from the times of their profit mo-ham-mad. I’m surprised that Malawi is now infested with muslims now..

6 years ago

Wwee wosope!?? Bomaaa!!!

M'malawi okwiya
M'malawi okwiya
6 years ago

Mvuto lodalila zolandila ndichoncho,am amuslim am deeply touched and a shamed. kumenyana chifukwa cha nyama? Chonsecho chifukwa chaullesi kusagwila ntchito,mukutukwanitsa Deen ya ALLAH, inuyo mukutukwanisa chisilamunu nyama yanu azamenyelana anthu liliti?

6 years ago

Anthuwa ndi oipa! Boko haram!

Emarire vava
Emarire vava
6 years ago

Al shabab

Truth Pains
6 years ago

Zoona kumenyana ma believers chifukwa cha gift???
Mmmh kaya umphawi ndi matenda.

6 years ago

what shall separate us from the love of our loving God? Is it food ?is it money ?

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago

You say islam is region of peace, where is peace here? Fighting on behalf of God?

6 years ago
Reply to  Wiseman

Wiseman Don’t be fooled by this saying . Its NOT a religion of peace . and never has been .

I Suleman
I Suleman
6 years ago
Reply to  skai

The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful this is an isolated incident

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