Malawi Red Cross relief efforts on course -Washon
Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS)has explained that it relief work has been successful as one of the humanitarian organisations that was actively involved in the work of responding to flood disasters emergency response in Zomba District.
The organisation’s response focused in the villages of GVH Mbalu, Chilunga and Kimu in TA Mwamboin Zomba District, where Red Cross is already implementing a Community Based Health Care Project (CBHCP). There are 104 villages in the 3 GVHs that are benefiting from the CBHCP.
“Considering the extent of damage the floods had caused to the communities in the impact area, MRCS, through support from the Danish Red Cross, engaged in distribution of relief items to some of the flood victims in the area which happens to be one area amongst the areas that were badly affected in Zomba District,” explained Felish Washon, Communications Manager for Malawi Red Cross Society
He said MRCS in coordination with the community, chiefs, and Area Civil Protection Committee conducted (ACPC) registration of beneficiaries in the camps.
“The registered beneficiaries were those whose houses had collapsed and were found residing in the camps during registration time. The registered beneficiaries totalling to 1235households were receiving the following food basket on weekly basis: 14 Soya pieces, 10kgs maize flour, 250g Salt, 1kg Sugar, 1litre Cooking oil and 2000 blankets were distributed to 1000 households once.”
In the second phase, MRCS has been engaged in the disaster recovery where it had distributed cassava cuttings and sweet potato vines to some households, Washoni stated.
“The households are those who were benefiting from the relief food and some who were not on the food list but rather were affected and had a garden to cultivate. Tree seedlings were also distributed to CBCC committees and some households.”
Currently, construction of houses for the most vulnerable flood victims in the targeted area is in progress.
“We would like to state that Malawi Red Cross Society upholds the international standards in discharging its duties in any humanitarian work including the emergencies response that we have recently been carrying.
“In carrying its work, MRCS values the code of conduct and respect all the stakeholders, their views and values. In this case the vulnerable community (people) that we serve is number one priority.
“In our work, we always work with community structures who participate in all the project processes starting from registration, screening out of beneficiaries and actual distribution which was done in a very transparent manner on community grounds. Furthermore, the copies of beneficiaries of 2015 relief items can be found at the chiefs, ACPC and all camp chairpersons.”
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After you have opened shops in Zomba using our relief items. That is nonsense.
Congrats Felix Washoni for your job . pumani from kumajambula ma politicians omwe sayamika