Malawi under threat of terrorism attack

Malawi is under threat of terrorism attack following an alert issued by the British government.
Britain has issued an alert, warning of possible attacks of terrorists in Malawi.

British High Commissioner David Beer
The British government has posted the alert on the British website for British citizens living in foreign land.
The information is coming from the UK Counter Terrorism Policing posted under Travel Advice for Malawi.
British High Commissioner to Malawi, David Beer has said: “The safety of British nationals abroad is a major concern for the FCDO.
“We therefore attach great importance to providing information about personal safety and security overseas, including an assessment of the threat from terrorism, to enable people to make informed decisions about travel,” Beer said.
He said this follows a regular review of terrorism risks. But “we do not advise against travel to any part of Malawi. See GOV.UK for further details.”
Security authorities in Malawi have yet to make a public statement on the warning.

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Francis Simbani
Francis Simbani
2 years ago

What’s wrong with Malawi

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