Malawian man arrested for selling ‘dog meat’

Police at Balaka district eastern Malawi is keeping in custody a 31-year-old man for allegedly selling dog meat.

Ishmael Jumbe; arrested for selling dog meat 'mang'ina'
Ishmael Jumbe; arrested for selling dog meat ‘mang’ina’

The suspect Ishmael Jumbe was arrested following a complaint that he was seen selling cooked dog meat at Njerenje Trading Centre in the district.

The issue came to light after the son of one of the man who ate the meat told his father that he saw the suspect skinning a dog at his home and when asked of what he did with the meat, he revealed to have cooked it and sold it as “mang’ina” (dog feet) at the Trading Centre.

The suspect told police that he started selling dog meat “long time ago” when he was living at Mbayani in Blantyre and said he used to sell it at the tavern during night time.

Balaka Police spokesperson Inspector Joseph Sauka says the suspect told the police that he bought the dog at the price of K1000.00 at Njerenje Trading Centre pretending as if he wanted to tame it.

“He confessed that he used to sell ‘mang’ina’ of dog meat at Shire railway station and Njerenje Trading Centre and he also said he eats dog meat.”

Following the revelation all everyone who eat the dog meat was referred to Phimbi Health Centre where they were treated as outpatients.

Meanwhile, the suspect Ishmael Jumbe is still in Police custody and is to appear before court soon where he will answer a case of conduct likely to cause a breach of peace which is contrary to section 181 of the Penal code.

Ishmael Jumbe comes from Kangaude village, Traditional Authority Nkaya in the same district of Balaka.


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Savely Silavwe
Savely Silavwe
9 years ago

too much mphakana kugulitsa galu ngati nyama? Ameneyo alangidwe kuti anthu amene ali ndi maganizo amenewo atengelepn phunziro

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kkkkk. Balaka again

Idrissah Allan
9 years ago

Masiku omaliza chikondi chizazilala,chimenecho ndi nkuluyu mpaka nyama galu apa ndiye mwaonjeza man,nanu anthu kumangodya zili zonse.

nduna ya kumwera
nduna ya kumwera
9 years ago

Ndiye mumumange?? Sakukumvetsani chisoni ameneyo??? Mumuleke,,anthu amadya amphaka,,agalu,nkhumba..zimasiyana chani??? Vuto ndi anthu ankhwiluwo.akafuna zabwino akagule ku cold storage.,.iya

blessings nkhala
blessings nkhala
9 years ago

life bigginz with eating meat dog

9 years ago

Olo mwala anthu akudya bola kuukazingila bwino

9 years ago

Mmmmmm God help us

Madalitso Gaveni
Madalitso Gaveni
9 years ago

kodi ndi angati adwalapo atadya nyamayo? Musiyeni munthuyo bola anthu adziwa kuti mkuluyo amagulitsa galu

9 years ago

Breach of peace, when actually it brought peace after kukhuta. Wasowa mlandu apa, mtsyeni basi. Revise our laws to be relevant to certain cases

9 years ago

Anthu amadya FISI Ndiye mukati GALU,chiweto.Bleach of peace? Apa Ndiye sizikuigwirizana ndi nkhaniyi.Bolani adakati malonda oletsedwa.Komanso chinyengo pa malonda mmalawi muno chafikapo.

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