Malawians lets love one another, urges head of Catholic Church in Malawi
Head of the influential Catholic Church in Malawi, Archbishop Thomas Msusa, has called on Malawians to love one another and desist from gender-based violence.
His Grace Msusa, who is also Archbishop of Blantyre, was speaking when he led Limbe Cathedral faithful from Chichiri Primary School on Good Friday, to hold the Way of the Cross. Saint Matthews Anglicans were led by Bishop Alinafe Kalemba during the commemoration of the annual event that Christians commemorate Jesus’ death by crucifixion .
Good Friday, the most sombre day of the Christian liturgical calendar, commemorates the day the Bible says Jesus was crucified. The Way of the Cross service marks 14 events, called stations, from the time Roman governor Pontius Pilate condemns Jesus to death until his burial in a tomb.
Said the Archibishop: “We are all Malawians and we have to respect one another and we should not abuse other people’s rights. As Christ suffered for our shortcomings, so should we also forgive our friends when they wrong us.”
The archbishop is on record to have decried high levels of nepotism and discrimination, emphasising the two vices are robbing the country of its development opportunities.
According to Msusa Msusa, the vices are manifesting themselves in various ways, including in the recruitment of people in different portfolios in government, the church and other institutions.
Msusa said time had come for Malawians to reflect on the love of God which transcends all boundaries.
He also denounced the high levels of gender inequalities, saying this is disadvantaging many capable women in the society.
In Blantyre, Catholics from St. Pius X and Chilobwe parishes started their Way of the Cross from St Pius to Chilobwe—covering about five kilometres.
The Catholics from the two parishes, with women dressed in their purple and white colours and led by St Pius Parish priest Father George Kaliati, observed the 14 Stations of the Cross.
The 14 devotions or stations focus on specific events of Jesus’ last day, beginning with His condemnation.
At each station the Christians recalled and meditated on a specific event from Christ’s last day, citing specific prayers.
In Rome, the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, His Holiness Pope Francis urged people, including ministers of his Church, to rediscover the capacity to feel shame for their role in the world’s ills.
The Holy Father, 81, praised those in the Church who are trying to arouse “humanity’s sleeping conscience” through their work helping the poor, immigrants, and prison inmates.
He said many should feel “shame because our generations are leaving young people a world that is fractured by divisions and wars, a world devoured by selfishness …”
Earlier on Friday in St Peter’s Basilica, Francis presided at a “Passion of the Lord” service, during which he prostrated himself in prayer on the marble pavement.
On Saturday night, Francis leads an Easter vigil service and on Easter Sunday he delivers his twice-yearly “Urbi et Orbi” (to the city and the world) message.
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tiyenera kuchita zomwe yawe amachita ndipo tidzakhala achifundo ndi anzathu
The head of state should drive a powerful campaign with a message of love amongst Malawians. He should refrain from promoting one tribe vs another; favour one region against another. His words should match his actions. He shouldn’t be spreading message of hatred against those who differ with him. Even at the provocation of opposition political parties or individuals, he should be the wise one by not responding to any insults that comes his way. Follow Jesus way of thinking and behaviour towards his enemies. Being a leader isn’t for sissies. You have to have a thick skin. There’s only… Read more »
tiyenera kukhala achikondi poti mulungu anadzionetsera yekha popeleka mwana wake kudzatifela
It started with the head of state who made it ok for Malawians to distinguish each other by their tribes; by which region they come from and by which party they belong to. People have taken the queue and are now shouting divisive language especially when they have a microphone on a podium. kutukwana ndi kulalata has become the order of the day. With that language of divisiveness what chance has the rest of people got if their own leaders don’t love one another. Politics should never be a precursor for hatred. We are all Malawians working for the greater… Read more »
Mulungu atichitire chifundo chifukwa kusalana kwafika pamponda chimera