Malawi’s construction of One Stop Border Posts runs full throttle

The dream of Malawi having One Stop Border Posts is slowly becoming a reality thanks to tremendous construction progress achieved at Mchinji border station.

Mchinji One Stop Border construction progressing
Mchinji One Stop Border construction progressing

The One Stop Border Posts is among key modernisation initiatives whose objective is to reduce time for processing of imports and exports by bringing together all processing agents in one building or location.

The authority’s Head of Corporate Affairs, Steven Kapoloma said the project is targeting Mchinji, Mwanza, Dedza, Muloza and Songwe borders where new stations will be constructed.

“The World Bank and the African Development Bank (AfDB) are financing these projects. In Mchinji, construction completion rate is at 33 percent. The contractor has assured MRA that with additional equipment and staff completion rate of the project will be boosted to 60 percent by December, 2019. The new station is expected to be handed over to the Authority on 10 July, 2020,” said Kapoloma.

He said AfDB is funding the Mchinji One Stop Border Posts to the tune of US$5.8 million and the World Bank will provide US$69 million for Songwe, Mwanza, Dedza and Muloza.

“Construction works for new border stations in Dedza, Mwanza and Muloza stations construction will commence by March next year (2020) as procurement process is underway,” Kapoloma said.

Other modernisation initiatives that MRA is undertaking include the real-time web based ASYCUDA World, Document Validation System, mobile and stationed Cargo Scanners at the borders, E-Payment System, Electronic Fiscal Devices, and the ongoing implementation of Msonkho online.

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5 years ago

Thanks for the development,, but why march if the money is there on a table?,,,,,, please hire the best contractor’s who can do this job quick otherwise this project will finish 2025

5 years ago

More opportunities to steal

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