Maneb sets dates for MSCE, primary school exams

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has set examination calendars for his year’s Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) examination and Malawi Schools Certificate of Education (MSCE).

PS Education Chikondano Mussa making a point during the briefing -Pic by Roy Nkosi

This was disclosed at a news conference jointly held by the Minister of Education, Agnes NyaLonje and the Presidential Taskforce on Covid-19 in Lilongwe on Thursday.

According to the ministry, examination for PSLCE will be administered between 30th September and 2nd October, 2020 whereas examination for MSCE will be administered between 22nd October to 30th November, 2020.

NyaLonje said the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB), will release the detailed calender in due time.

The minister is hopeful that candidates and schools will adjust their preparations in line with the new dates.

The schools will re-open on 7th September with strict adherence to Covid19 prevention measures.

NyaLonje disclosed that funds to support the schools have been transferred to zonal accounts (Global Partnership for Education Funds).

She said these funds will aid in the training of teachers and other relevant stakeholders, distribution and printing of guidelines and the purchasing of buckets and hand-washing soap.

Dr. John Phuka, Co-Chair of the Presidential Taskforce on Covid-19, told journalists that they arrived at decision to reopen schools after a careful assessment of the Covid 19 cases chart and the observation that there has been a fall in positive cases and deaths recorded.

Phuka, however, called for strict adherence to the measures put in place as schools reopen.

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4 years ago

Kunena zoona kutsegulira school ndikofunika koma ndi mmene pakali pano corona irili boma lidayenera kuchitapo kathu ndi cholinga choti ana ndi aphunzitsi atetezedwe. Kunena zoona boma lalephera kuthandiza ana asukulu ndipo sukulu angolengeza kuti itsekulidwe ndi cholinga choti wina asaoneke kuti amanena bodza ayi zoti sukulu itsegulidwa mu september, Zoona zake ndi zoti corona ikwera kwambiri mdziko muno chifukwa boma palibe chomwe lachita kufuna kuteteza ana ndi aphunzitsi.

Mac Soft
Mac Soft
4 years ago

Ichi ndi chibwana. Ma school a Private mwawaganizira bwanji powauza kuti angotsegula kaye class imodzi pomwe mukudziwiratu kuti alibe ndalama zolipira aphunzitsi pakadali pano. Mukufuna kuphweteketsa makolo kufuna fees mobanika chifukwa ma school amenewa adzafuna fees pasanadutse nthawi yaitali pofuna kulipira aphunzitsi zomwe zipdzapangitse ana ambiri kusaphunzira chifukwa chosowa fees.

Chachiwiri, pamafunika kuti muyambe kupanga inspect ma school musadalengeze tsiku lotsegula school. First things first. Nanga zitapezeka kuti ma school ambiri sadakonzeke bwino ndiye mutani? In this case, most schools are poorly prepared in this Covid 19 situation.

Malawi sadzatheka!

4 years ago

Good news indeed but have you really thought of turning the worse news to the better? These children have been running the streets since the closure, how safe are they? Are you not endangering the parent’s and teacher’s lives here? Come up with strict measures here!

4 years ago
Reply to  Nkhombokombo

After running the streets they come back home as dirty as dirt itself and are not infected and neither have they infected their parents sooooo ……………….. You see.

4 years ago

Pakampeni mmakamba zobweresanso JCE, chonde osaiwalira dala. Junior Certicate njofunika kwambiri tikafunire ntchito ku Capital Hill, Area30, Kamuzu Barracks, Kanengo, Chichiri, Nchalo, Dwangwa, etc.

4 years ago

WHO has recommended that Primary school children 12 years and under all classes upto standard 5 NOT WEAR a Mask but Malawi will not follow this advice October 12th when these classes return to school. Strongly suggest re-thinking some of the adherence measures for junior primary school learners.

4 years ago

Let’s hope the measures for reopening the education system are adequately thought through. No education no human wisdom into the hands of our next generation. The school system will assist in engaging our youth to discharge their potential in a positive manner. The best news in months

4 years ago
Reply to  CESSPOOL

We knew that you have been faking statistics on covid so that you psychologically prepare gullible Malawians for this rushed school opening. How many tests are you conducting in a day to conclude that covid cases are declining? Dr Phuka, you are shame for being intimidated by these caretaker selfish politicians. Shame! Why reopening schools without proper scientific evidence of declining cases?

Mike Fiko 2
Mike Fiko 2
4 years ago
Reply to  Dingase

All over the world countries have opened schools. sometimes learn to move forward. kakaka uyu will not take us anywhere. Lets open schools and the experts will be following up or observing how Covid 19 is performing. Chilichonse mungoti no no.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dingase

Give us the original statistics Ding.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wiseup

Come on Malawians! What statistics are you looking for? Don’t you know that these are available already? Those who are interested enough are able to follow the trend on daily basis. Mukufuna adzakupatsireni kunyumba kwanu?

4 years ago
Reply to  Dingase

It is not good to use Care Taker Politicians because Tonse Alliance had been elected using majority 50+1, hence it legible government. Don’t think that people who read and comment here are brutes. DPP is the party that had selfish Politicians. How can a person have billions of Kwacha staled in their homes and Billions in somebodies account while majority f Malawians die in hospitals because of lack of drugs and delayed referral cases due to lack of transport. Wait and see and you will appreciate the fforts by the present regime

4 years ago
Reply to  Dingase

What do you mean, without proper scientific evidence blah! blah! blah? Why don’t you just ask to see it rather than concluding that it is not there? The fact that you have not seen it does not mean that it does not exist. It may just mean that you are not among those that are on the list of people who have to see the evidence before it is publicized.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dingase

Its unfortunate that at this age one would still be crying out loud like this against the reopening of schools.

Even in countries where statistics are higher they have reopened schools and chosen to positively live with the pandemic

Children are everywhere, mixing and playing and you have not been concerned.
You can’t even claim that parents in the homes have been doing anything to protect the children which the institutions cant do.

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