Manganya shoots Cashgate episode of Tikuferanji soap: Malawi judges helping
Actor Micheal Usi , hose showbiz moniker is Manganya, is shooting a Cashgate episode of the Tikuferanji soap to be screened early next year.

Mangany , who caused stir in the country when he was filming the biographical film of the founding president Kamuzu Banda, is featuring High Court judge Mike Tembo and lawyers Andrew Salamba and Fostino Maele in the cashgate episode.
Another High Court Judge Sylvester Kalembera is also guiding actors on court proceedings.
In the episode, Manganya is a prime suspect in the cashgate trial and stands in the dock at the High Court registry in Blantyre accused of embezzling public funds amounting to K1 billion (about $1.5million).
Manganya is answering charges of corruption by a public officer, which is contrary to Section 24 (1) of the Corrupt Practices Act (Cap 7:04).
The plot alleges that Manganya on or about the 20th of January 2015, being the owner of Manganya Construction Company, corruptly gave Mr Phuma K200 000 (about $309) as an inducement for the award of a tender for the construction of a hospital.
Manganya through his company, received three government cheques totalling K1 billion meant of the construction of Moyo Wabwino Hospital but no work had been done.
“ Poor people are dying of hunger, poverty and diseases simply because [cashgate],” said Usi in explaining the motivation of the episode in Tikuferanji which mostly depicts on HIV/aids issues.
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kumeneko ndiye kubwera tiuze zoona ife a malawi
Tiye nayo imeneyo Manga, umaph unzitsa ndikuzudzula zoona zokha zokha
Jealous down Manga is A1 actor
tiye naye mr ibu
you force yourself to be an actor but your not
manga ndi 1
We need more Manganyas
Tell them the truth Manga
Tiye nazo Manganya. Amvetse pain akuba komanso akupha Malawi wa.kikikikikikiii.
Koma Manga