Mangochi group march in support of HRDC leaders arrest
A group of people, calling itself concerned citizens Wednesday morning marched in Mangochi and presented a petition to Mangochi district council in support of the arrest of Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) officials.

HRDC chairperson Timothy Mtambo, vice chairperson Gift Trapence and MacDonald Sembereka have been arrested for threatening to shut down state residences in a bid to force president Peter Mutharika to fire Malawi Electoral Commission commissioners.
One of the leaders of the grouping, Alhaji Bakali accused HRDC of fuelling violence and tension in the country, saying they deserved the arrest.
“They need to stay there in police cells so that we can have peace. The police need to investigate the matter at their own pace whilst these people are on full remand,” said Bakali.
He also accused HRDC of being behind the murder of a police officer Imedi who hailed from Mangochi.
Executive officer for Mangochi district council Abubakar Nkhoma received the petition and said he would forward it to relevant authorities.
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Zodiac is the most corrupt station in Malawi full of bias and leaning towards opposition . They celebrate when they see evil things happening to our country. They are always negative . This radio divides Malawians, and they are a big cheat to this nation. Mouth piece of devils. Shameful journalists are incompetent and emotional
Asiyeni matelala. Paja azimayi anasiya kupita kukasoketsa ma blouse mumakondemu ndiye mwayi ogwira mabere aweni ndi omwewu. Omwewa ndi aja anavula mzimayi nthawi ya kampeni..
HRDC definitely does not stand for all Malawians, they stand for opposition parties mainly MCP, if so all cities should have been demonstrating, Malawians are sick and tired of senseless demonstrations. When ever there are demonstrations, you expect shops to be looted, some markets are closed, were are these people going to find money to feed their beloved families, we must think of our children who don’t go to school during this period of demonstrations, are we teaching our children the right thing to do definitely it’s a no.
I am a fun of Zodiak Broadcasting Station and most of the time i’m used to listening to this station. What I am reading here is quite different to what I heard from Zodiak because they announced that the Mangochi group were on the streets because they are not happy with the government move of arresting Human Rights Activists and they demand their immediate release. Please tell me which is which here. Do you mean to say Zodiak was lying to the whole nation? This is not good Journalism eeh!! But why are you doing that to us? Frankly I… Read more »
Ndi chifukwa chake anthu amatinena Ayawo’fe kyti ndife atulo. Even among the Yaos, anthu aku Mangochi zochitika zawo ndi zobwerera mmbuyo nthawi zonse. Panopa zoti akuvutika sakudziwa. It takes a live person to feel pain. Awawa asiyeni adzichita zawo, ena tonse tiyeni tidzipita chitsogolo.
Chambadi chilibe wosauka!!!!!! A people in support of their oppressors. May God have mercy 🙏
You never matched for Njaunju’s death. Was he less a Yao and a Muslim? Is it because it is the government that you support in the middle of his killing?
Mumaona Ngati sangamumange achina mina.Amalonda mu LL akutibwanji pamenepa
If the Yao want to be with the Mulhako government let them be. Malawi is already divided through regionalism. I know the Northern region stand side by side with the Central region. Together we will form our own government with rotational presidency among our two regions. We don’t need the Southern region to be part of us. In order for the Southern region to be part of the greater Malawi they must accept that peace in Malawi can reign only if there is rotational presidency among our three regions. This means we must introduce federalism government and in each region… Read more »
Those are corrupt and criminals sent by Dpp