Mangochi-Liwonde road construction delays
Construction of Mangochi-Liwonde road, one of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) development signatures, has delayed.

The road construction was supposed to finish in August 2018 but contractors, Mota Engil, asked for more time before completion of the construction works.
Roads Authority spokesperson Portia Kajanga and Mota Engil spokesperson Thomas Chafunya asked for more time before commenting on the matter.
The road is part of Nacala corridor aimed at boosting the road network in Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi.
African Development Bank is bankrolling the construction of the road.
Yemwe ali ndi maso akuona km ummm achina Abisalom ndi yona sakuona ayi
Beautiful work. You are guaranteed my vote.
Join the vote too please continue developing Malawi
not vote from me
Nice work, this is development we want, not kumangotsutsa zili zonse