Mary Waya takes Malawi Queens reins after Kanyenda’s sudden exit over Mwai expulsion

Malawi Queens coach Sam Kanyenda has finally quit  in protest of  decision by Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) to drop  Australia-based shooter Mwawi Kumwenda and  netball legend Mary Waya has been installed as caretaker head coach.

Waya: Malawi Queens coach

This follows the decision by NAM to axe  Kumwenda for reporting late for training.

“I would have loved to stay on but  I am pragmatic and I know we are in the results business. I should have been consulted before  NAM  expelled Mwawi,” Kanyenda said.

“It was a great honour for me to be appointed  head coach Malawi Queens but  the  way things are being handled is demotivating.

“My priority is to protect the wider interests of the national team,” he said.

NAM general secretary Carol Bapu confirmed the development on Tuesday.

“It is true that Mr. Kanyenda has left camp and is no longer coach for Malawi Queens,” said Bapu.

She confirmed that Mary Waya will oversee the  Malawi Queens  at the Fast5 tournament in Australia.

“Mary Waya will now take over and she will be assisted by Griffin Saenda Junior,” said Bapu.

The decision to expel Mwawi has led to an outcry from netball fans who argue the netball export love to play for her country and her  commitment has been unquestioned.

Most of them vented who took to the social media asked f NAM to reverse its decision.

The Queens are expected to leave the country this Sunday 22nd October 2017 for  Australia to take part in this year’s Fast5 World Netball Championship.

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7 years ago

We know any organisation led by women is full of emotions and jealousy and here they don’t breath well with Mwai’s excelling in netball profession. Tikuwonerani if you will perform as last year under Griffin Sayenda. You will regret with the way you are going to perform there.

Kunena Mosapsyatila
Kunena Mosapsyatila
7 years ago

I salute Kanyenda because of the decision you have made. A good coach knows the capabilities of his players and he knows minus Mwai, the Queens will perform miserably at the tournament. I have watched recent netball tournaments involving top netball sides such Australia, Newzealand, South Africa and England; these sides have improved alot and are playing higher competive netball. These teams know Malawi better because of Mwai’s presence and her class; with her in the team the queens stand a better chance to match these teams. Leave the star Mwai at your own peril and we hear one of… Read more »

7 years ago

hahah tsoka la mzako ndi mwayi wa wina. 1 in every organisation there are rules to be followed. if NAM releases a call for duties everybody has to follow. there are no exceptions. Star players should always be exemplary if a team is going to succeed. I am a big fan of Mwayi, unfortunately Mwayi is not setting that example. Kanyenda panalibe chonyanyala poti wazichosa wekha NAM isazakutengenso, zinthunzi ndi za wanthu achizimayi mulekeni Mary Waya apitilize kukocha timuyi. chifukwa munamuchosa mwachipongwe koma azungu ena adamutola mwachita manyazi. Kunena chilungamo if mwayi feels kuti she is bigger than the team… Read more »

7 years ago

a man with principles, integrity, patriotism, Its not about money koma kukonda dziko lake, NAM be ware with Mary Waya, ndi mzimai osokoneza, and i would prefer if the Minister responsible for this akanakanizanso ndalama zoti ayendere waya, komabe ???

It was a great honour for me to be appointed head coach Malawi Queens but the way things are being handled is demotivating

. no thats your campaign Marry, komatu ukulimbikile kuti akachite bwino otherwise the wholes eyes and ears of all Malawians are on you. zinthu zimatha ndi kukambilana.

Joe M
Joe M
7 years ago

Nkhani yakula apa a Bapu ndi nsanje zomwe sizingapititse netball patsogolo. Tikuonerani if you will do better than last year with your decision. Even kuntchito you make an excuse to your and as far as it is valid your boss can tell you to fill in leave unless bwana wake ali ngati CAROL BAPU. These type of people should not hold national positions becoz they are stubborn. selfish and jealousy.

7 years ago

No player is bigger than a team and what a poor reaction from the coach,ur too childish Malawi netball will continue without Mwai and Sam no matter what..

The Queens Fan
The Queens Fan
7 years ago
Reply to  Alpha

Kanyendas complaint was clear. As head of technical panel it was a requirement for him to lead the decision making process regarding descipline and performance of prayers. But it seems somebody was snatching that role and him being the man who new protocol and what was expected of him ( results) did the needful.

Mighty Befoward Wanderers fc
Mighty Befoward Wanderers fc
7 years ago

inayi ndi sanje chabe. Munthu akudyandalama chifukwa cha mpilaomwewo kutali ngatiuko,kumene aliliko ngakhale achedwe koma samamubweza, inu ndiandani mulibe or kalikonse komwe. pitani koma zikakavuta kumeneko musadzadandaule….

7 years ago

atha ngati DPP asiyeni

7 years ago

NAM Executives specifically a lady called BAPU has always been against MWAI. These personal jelousies are killing Malawi as a Nation, Mr Kasaila Must intervene to ease the tension, it seems there is also a problem of regionalism in making decisions thats why the COACH has resigned. It is better to drop these other officials from NAM, and I ask the President of NAM MRS Matiya to be strong not to easily give up on pressure. MWAWI MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE TEAM

Hlabezulu Ngonoonda
Hlabezulu Ngonoonda
7 years ago
Reply to  drakes

Drake, you right. Driven by hatred, jealous or a desire to hurt feelings, the said individual has been on the throat of Mwawi Kumwenda for some time now. This is very perplexing. Some individuals take pressure to hurt others for no genuine reasons. From various posts on this matter, it seems that a Mwawi Kumwenda sent a notice in which she indicated reasons for her late reporting for the training. Readers are yet to read Mwawi’s notice to understand the genesis of her being barred. Of all the netball associations in the world, NAM is the odd one out when… Read more »

7 years ago

Kanyenda is a man with principles…. Its not about money rather integrity at stake…… Because am a tumbuka

7 years ago
Reply to  Nana

That’s the way to go Kanyenda!!! You are our Man!!!

7 years ago

Yendani bwino…..but mind you, you are not our pride….am not supporting you at all……

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