Matola in France: Calls for collaboration of African countries to address lack of clean cooking access

Minister of Energy Ibrahim Matola has called for collaboration among African countries to address the cross-cutting issue of  lack of clean cooking access.

Matola in France

Matola made the remarks at the Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa held in Paris, France under the theme:”Catalysing Multi-stakeholder Partnerships.”

He said the far-reaching impacts of lack of clean cooking access in public hospitals, prisons, universities and boarding schools by using biomass for cooking leads to poorly prepared meals which can create new health issues for patients, inhumane conditions for prisoners, and inadequate nutrition for students.

“The injustices extend far beyond just health impacts. Women and girls bear the terrible burden of this issue, having to wake before dawn to trek miles away searching for firewood to use as cooking fuel,” he said.

Matola lamented how a young girl who must perform this laborious task cannot perform academically at the same level as their counterparts who simply need to study in homes with clean cooking solutions.

He highlighted how the treks through forests leave women and girls vulnerable to sexual violence and assaults from predators.

Matola emphasized that the time has come for coordination across sectors and ministries like Energy, Natural Resources, Economy, and Public Transport to collaboratively tackle the issue, saying only through partnership across stakeholders can end the vicious cycle of injustice facing women and girls due to lack of clean cooking access.

He however implored all stakeholders present to join hands in finally addressing the issue, as women and children cannot bear the burden alone.

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