Mbakuwaku says Prayer Breakfast ‘not relevant than PAC peace accord’: Mutharika was sole presidential candidate attending
Mbakuwaku Movement for Democracy (MMD) leader Peter Kuwani has trashed the Presidential Prayer Breakfast which took place Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on Thursday, saying it was not relavant compared to the event organised by Public Affairs Committee (PAC) last Saturday where the candidates committed to a peaceful campaign and election.

Mutharika was the only presidential candidate who attended the prayers at his backyard as five other candidates shunned the event ahead of the May 21 2019 Tripartite Elections
“In as far as I respect the freedom of worship, some of the churches organising the prayers are not worthwhile… PAC is recognised for its credibility,” Kuwani said in quotes reported in the local press .
The prayers were organised by several Christian churches, including Pentecostal Revival Crusade Ministries, Calvary Family Church, Charismatic Redeemed Ministries International, Malawi Assemblies of God and Living Waters Church.
But prayers moderator Apostle Madalitso Mbewe and other clergy behind the prayers were daid to be on the payroll of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and were politically biased with their alignment to DPP.
A political scientist based at the University of Malawi’s Chancellor College, Mustapha Hussein, backed the presidential candidates for staying away from the prayers on the basis of neutrality of venue and a clash with their campaign schedules.
And Mzuzu-based political analyst Emily Mkamanga agreed with Kuwani that the State House prayer session was not relevant, especially coming after PAC hosted a similar event where the signing of a peace declaration also took place.
“The other parties are justified by not attending and when you look at the relevance, we see it is not that relevant because PAC also held their prayers which discussed more important issues such as the peace signing where the President himself was supposed to attend,” she said.
University of Livingstonia political analyst George Phiri also sided with absent candidates, saying neutrality should be observed.
Azibusa koma odana, osavomeledza chilengedwe cha Chauta. Mpaka kudaya tsitsi black. Kufuna kukhalabe ngati anyamata. Anthu achinyengo okhokha, they have become multimillionaires billionaires because of stealing from the church. Abusa opanda osati umulungu okha komanso umunthu.
To hell with a gathering of thieves!!!
Clergy, just went to have breakfast
Is the spelling correct editor,
not ` Relavant. Typo in the write up.Peter Mthalika is fooling himself by following advice of political babies. This is a shame and embarassment to the high office.
Short break before polling time.
Who are you idiots to validate the relevancy of prayers? Go to hell and roast.
Typical result of arrogance when one is corrupted with power. This again raises question on the integrity of the so called ‘religious’ leaders behind this break fast prayer
When was DPP formed that people can claim that these men of God are bankrolled by DPP. So should we say PAC is bankrolled by opposition parties? The Presidential prayer breakfast started even when Hon Late Chakufwa Chihana, Late Gwanda Chakwamba we’re still alive and they were participating in it. Atupele should ask his father, he will be told the truth. These Honourable men of God don,t tell their faithfuls to vote for a certain president. A church is not there to tell the people who to vote for, because the church contains both members of the governing party as… Read more »
Does the president have advisors? How about the Religious Advisor. Could it be he’s too pigheaded or just being made a laughing stock? Most people believe the PAC organized peace signing event was more meaningful than this gathering of comedians.
I am glad I did shun this event. Very happy.