MCP obtains court order against presidential results announcement, contradicts on patience

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) on Saturday obtained a court order against pollster Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) restraining it from continuing with announcement of the Tuesday tripartite elections presidential results.

Lawyer for MCP, Titus Mvalo SC

Justice Charles Mkandawire granted the order which among others has directed that the permission to apply for judicial review be granted and that MCP have permission to apply for judicial review and it should be made to a judge in an open court promptly.

“That until a further order of the court, the announcement of presidential elections results is stayed until the results from Nsanje, Chikwawa, Mangochi, Blantyre, Zomba, Mulanje, Chitipa, Rumphi, Karonga and Nkhata Bay are verified through a transparent recounting of the ballot papers in the presence of representatives of political parties which contested in the elections,” reads part of the order.

The injunction, however, contradicts the party’s statement released on Friday which thanked MEC for “delay in releasing the presidential results,” and asked Malawians for patience until anomalies were resolved.

But lawyer Titus Mvalo’s application granted by the High Court in Lilongwe, now bars from the pollster announcing the results.

A penal notice that disobedience of the Court order by MEC would result in its officers, employees, agents, being found guilty of Contempt of Court, and would subsequently sent to prison or fined or MEC’s assets would be seized.

MCP and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have been neck to neck in the elections which has seen the newly formed UTM trailing in the distant third.

Meanwhile, MEC has announced that its eleventh update on the elections at 6:00pm.

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5 years ago

How can MEC betray Malawians. What is the purpose of going to polls. How can a lot of irregularities be found on your watch, tipex, doctoring figures etc. This is an acceptable there shall be blood shade here.

5 years ago

Kodi pa campaign paja siinu munkati palibe atabere zisankho. Nde poti mwaluza mukufuna musokoneze bata ku Malawi chifukwa cha (Mkango 1).

I shall be honest with u.

Apa basi dziko tikugawana ili, mwaonjedza zibwana a MEC ndi gogo wanu wakupha ma Albino yu.

5 years ago

Apa basi munthu wamulungu kagwileni mfuti basi , tilowe mtchire basi apa

joseph moyo
joseph moyo
5 years ago

MY Malawi GOD will push you MEC

joseph moyo
joseph moyo
5 years ago

stupid mec anthu oipa ngat ntaba

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MCP thankful for ‘delay’ in releasing presidential results, calls for patience

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