Mutharika appoints new MEC team: Judge Kachale is chair, retains commissioners Mathanga and Kunje

President Peter Mutharika has constituted a new commission for the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC)  with  High Court judge  Dr Chifundo Kachale appointed as its chairperson.

Malawi’s High Court Judge, Dr. Chifundo Kachale is now MEC chairperson

According to the statement signed by Chief Secretary to the Government Lloyd Muhara, the President appointed a seven-member commission including comprising four men and three women.

President Mutharika has retained his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) representatives Jean Mathanga and Angelina Kunje from immediate  past cohort declared declared incompetent by the court and parliament for the botched 2019 elections.

In the appointment, President Mutharika has also brought back a  former MEC commissioner  private practice lawyer Arthur Nanthuru. He previously served MEC on United Democratic Front (UDF) ticket.

Included in the new team is Malawi Electoral Support Network chairperson Steven Duwa, who is also Council of Non-Governmental Organisations in Malawi (Congoma)  executive director.

He has been appointed from the civil society not party representation despite opposition calling him a DPP plant.

Other commissioners nominated by main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) are corporate governance expert Dr Anthony Mukumbwa and  Olivia Liwewe a former member of parliament for Nkhotakota South.

The appointments are with immediate effect.

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Fellow Malawians
4 years ago

No matter how bad things are, Mcp and one party (Tonse ) mentality is not the answer. There is a reason we voted for democracy, rejected Mcp one party system and continue to reject Mcp in every election. Let us not forget. Give these asakhwi Boma at your own peril. Your rights and freedoms are at stake. We will be like Zimbabwe, where government polices even Facebook. Remember this when voting and tell your friends.

4 years ago

God is good.Dr. Kachali put God in front of You.There are still devils among you but be courageous.Change them from there areas Mathanga must not be in electoral services put new face.change kunje she must not be in finance.Then consider the conduct of chief elections officer you may appoint Acting chief there are capable people at management level.Arrest any mec official in wrongdoing and rigging conduct.

4 years ago

Lawless nation will be lawful soon.Shame to selfish DPP.The goodness is that soon that party will be a pocket.UTM will replace it.In 2024 mark my words,DPP will be on a deathbed.

4 years ago

Mkunena kwa apm, the Mutharikas “amadya nsima not deya”!! So it is normal for a clever gentleman to remember “nsima” first osati za mahule,no! no! no! I hope anthu inu mwamvetsetsa!! Adaditu amadya nsima ndipo sangakhale ndi njalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! dpp woyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

4 years ago

1. Its funny that the very parties who are praising Kachale as a competent HCJudge will only say the same when they win, if they loose, then he wiĺl be another incompetent practitioner. 2. So opposition wants to dictate who to be on DPP bench? It should make sense that if Ansah’s commission was considered incompetent it was because of the opposition’s commissioners not those of the winning team. How could they just watch things happening and accept to sign for the winner when they claim it was not credible? On the other hand DPP commissioners ensured that the job… Read more »

4 years ago

For a senior supreme court judge, judge Mwaungulu speaks too much and sometimes without clearly thinking through issues: not too long ago he told us it is MEC that has the authority to set the date for elections, contradicting what Justice Twea said in the Appeal judgment that it is Parliament that has the authority to set the date for the Presidential elections and not MEC which ‘does not even have the authority to set the date for a by-election’. He pre-judges issues far to often.

Frustrated with DPP
Frustrated with DPP
4 years ago

This is PROOF the President is incompetent and NO LONGER has GOOD IDEAS to Help the People of Malawi. Arrogant fool reappointing two Commissioners that were deemed incompetent by the Constituional Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and PAC. By appointing a former UDF Commissioner clearly indicates he has lost touch with Malawians. Is it true out of a country of 19 1/2 million people he could NOT have found 3 NEW Competent Commissioners is his World So Small.
VOTE CHANGE when able to be part of the WINNING TEAM for all Malawians

Irresponsible opposition

Umbuli ndi matenda . When changing the commission they don’t change everyone. You leave some to help orient the new ones.

Supreme Court
Supreme Court
4 years ago

@Irresponsible Opposition ….No Law says you need to keep anyone past the 4 year appointment or reappoint a Commissioner. But can be fired at anytime for incompetence.
All at the discretion of the President who has excessive powers.

4 years ago

Achimwene Mathanga and Kunje are representing DPP/UDF alliance and if the parties have confidence in them there is nothing that can stop them from being re-elected. I have been saying these ppo are not ordinary ppo as you may think NO they are ppo who have worked in the country in various capacities so if in all those offices had worked professionally how could they fail to run the affairs of offices assigned to them? Shame on you! Leave them alone. After all they are competent enough bcoz if MPs and Councillors were duly elected by the same MEc and… Read more »

Ben Phiri Jerusalem University
Ben Phiri Jerusalem University
4 years ago
Reply to  chataika

@Chataika You missed the point, if the President wished to move forward he would have chosen all NEW Commissioners.
DPP Assembly submitted 3 names these two were not on the list.

4 years ago

The problem with Malawians is that we think it is MEC that puts a President in the office. We tend to forget that is is the voters. MEC just declares the voters wish. The past MEC did not do their maths rights in making this declaration, that is why we are back to square one. This one has the lessons before them. One thing I know as someone who has been involved in elections before. I know that it is impossible to avoid a repeat of the errors in an election. The elections system is never perfect, just like sports… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  mofolo

Just from the beginning of your comment it shows that you are a die hard DPP supporter not a well patriotic Malawi.So you mean the courts are stupid than your DPP?By the way,why are you still maintaining the same MEC members that the courts found them incompentence?That shows you are not a law bide citizens and theses two knows the rigging scheme of the elections.Voters are the ones deciding but MEC playing a part of messing up our elections if you don’t know.Be objective when commenting you fool.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lego

Being a DPP Supporter is not a crime, my friend. Why you still have that one party mentality????
Kachi MCP, MCP, MCP Eehh, zoti panopa we are in democracy simukuziwaso ayi.

nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago

kodi mmene amati contract yao yatha anacita specify????? Linda ndi mathanga what are they doing again in this team?
please clarify tilibe nthawi ife yaunyankhwnyankhwi okkkkkkyyyyy pitala!!! take this shit out. dont play some malawians fools.

4 years ago

Some stupid Malawians will still be stupid even if a Govt comes in. Remember that it was the Catholics in their famous pastoral letter who asked Malawians to vote for a lamp. Today, what is the Catholic saying in their recent letter. Did anybody tell them in the face that we are still in the message that you that you had protected us from. So still being stupid as they were in 1992-93. And today look at how tribalism, regionalism, nepotism has grown. And it’s the effects of the LAMP!!. Mipingo osalowelera ndale. Mudzapusa. Wandale amayamika ziikakhala mbali yake. Shupiti!

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