MEC appeals against cancelling Malawi’s Tippex election: Ansah signs sworn statement
Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has filed an appeal to Supreme Court of Appeal against the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) ruling that nullified May 21 2019 presidential ‘Tippex’ election.

MEC has also applied for suspension of enforcement of the judgement pending the hearing of their appeal and determination of the appeal.
Embattled MEC Chairperson Justice Jane Ansah has signed the sworn statement supporting application to stay the ConCourt judgement.
“I therefore humbkt pray to the honourable court for an order suspending the enforcement of the judgement of the Constitutional Court pending the hearing and determination of the appeal herein,” reads a sworn statement from Ansah.
Out of the 139 grounds of appeal that MEC has filed, the commission cites the alleged bribery attempt by business mogul Thom Mpinganjira as a reason for appeal.
MEC reckons that the judges erred in law to continue hearing the case and deliver judgement despite getting knowledge of bribery attempts.
It points out Justice Mike Tembo on the panel is a witness in the bribery case yet to commence in court.
In a unanimous ruling on Monday, the judges hearing the case said that “the irregularities and anomalies have been so widespread, systematic and grave… that the integrity of the results has been seriously compromised”.
The court said that it had been possible to verify only 23% of the result sheets, and that the election outcome “cannot be trusted as a true reflection of the will of the voters”.
As a result of their findings, the judges formally annulled the vote and ordered that a new election be held within 150 days.
President Peter Mutharika announced on Wednesday that he will appeal the decision in the country’s Supreme Court, which has the power to overturn the ruling.
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Kodi madam uyoyo uyo wa lakho yo ndi assistant mec chair/commissioner chifukwa nde mati mati ndi a chair wo nde amatha
Supreme court ingoyelekeza kupanga zamanyi hhmmmm tikukuonani tu malilime lakata panja kufuna mamillion anakana anzanu aja muyelekeza kupanga za nkutu atazakupatseni bagela simudzamuona
Yes! It is a constitutional right and ma judge aja statement yoyamba anati the judgement can be appealed now mukulilanu muli vuto.Dziko la Malawi silimayendela zofuna za MCP ndi UTM ndi kabungwe kanu ka ma mercenary kaja. Inu mumayesa nkhani ya ku Court is one sided? Hold your breaths..the battle has just began. Inu mumayesa nkhani yatha.Pepani kumeneko ndikuganiza kopusa kwa chiMalawi komwe kwapangisa kuti dziko lathu likhale dull all these years..Let all means of the court process get exhausted.Mulira izi ndi ndale ngati mumayesa msima muwonda..
The only reason Jezebel akulimba mtima with appeal is she thinks she and her adulterous DPP guru will be successful bribing supreme court judge this time. What she doesn’t know dzanja la Mulungu likalemba
I just don’t understand what type of laws we have in this Country, the judgement is saying Malawi must have another Election within 150 days which is possible, it doesn’t say those who were involved must not run in this race, this is a neutral judgement. Now there are orders the Court has directed such as MPs must quickly look into 50+1 those are orders, and they said according to the way how the Election was,no one could stand up and say, I won the Election. Might not be Jane Ansah but her Team was ignorant and useless, which she… Read more »
I see arrests. Is only me?
Concourt made a mistake for not arresting this woman & her team & of course Peter as well coz that’s what we expected.
This lady is evil seriously, akufunabe malawi apitilize kuonongeka mpakana liti eishiii
I fail to understand why a failed bribery attempt should affect a ConCourt judgement on the conduct of last year’s election!! Was the conduct of the election fraudulent or not? The judges answere YES, The only remaining question is whether the fraud extended to the parliamentary and district levels.
Eish, little did I know that this woman could be that EVIL. She said she would resign when the Court rules against her MEC and the court has Unanimously done so and turn around. What an evil person, want to turn Malawi into Bloodshed. Shaaa, God help us. Malawi cannot be destroyed because of only two demon possessed individuals who have no love for this beautiful country. God you are there. Last time we had cried you heard us and now we even more crying, turn your ears and eyes and hear and see our Cry.
Munthu ukadya za eni umapanga zaenizo
On whose interest are these MEC people appealing?The 5 Judges made a mistake by not giving these corrupt MEC people stiff punishment.They were all suppose to be sent to prison and die there.We are voting to choose our leader who can lead us not you MEC dictating our vote