MEC official, 6 others arrested for stealing power generators

Police in Mzuzu are keeping in custody  Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) stores clerk  Davie Mtumpha and  6 others for stealing power generators belonging to the electoral body, that were  kept in MEC regional ware house in Mzuzu.

The  arrested suspects are Dickens Kaluwa 40 form security  guard from Mwachisoti village T/A Mwamulowe in Rumphi, Petro Gandiseni 34, and guard at MEC ware house from Luweya villageT /A Kasumbu Dedza and Chifundo Gama 20 guard from Makuwa T/A Mabuka Mulanje.

Others are Watson Phiri 27 Maphoto village T /A Chulu Kasungu a taxi driver, Daniel Munthali 31 from Patala Jere a taxi  driver Village T/A Mtwalo Mzimba and Smalley Banda 27  a taxi driver from Kasachika village T/A Kaomba Kasungu .

They are accused  of stealing seven power generators belonging to electoral body  in Mzuzu.

According to Mzuzu Police spokes person Martin Bwanali, during the night of 28-29 February Police officers on patrol upon reaching at Ministry of Lands offices noticed three vehicles entering the gate going towards MEC  war house which is behind Lands offices.

Bwanali further said the police officers followed the vehicles and found the suspect Dickens Kalua putting the generators into the vehicles.

Upon asking  them where they are going with the generators,  they failed to explain and they were arrested,

“Ten more are missing in the ware house and investigations are under way to recover them,” he said.

Bwanali said the suspects have been charged with theft  offence and will soon appear in court to be prosecuted.

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andy ganganinga
8 years ago

Leave them n arrest mp who carry gun to assembly house

8 years ago

Kkkkkkk. A Malawi kkkkkkk

8 years ago

If the head is rotten what do you expect? Stop arresting the small fish ,first to b jailed is the CEO who stole national elections…these generators is just useless action.

8 years ago

Ku mec ndi mbava zokhazokha check also the ballot papers they must also be missing.

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