MEC publishes 3 names of presidential candidates  in Malawi fresh vote: Chakwera, Mutharika and Kuwani

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) says it has concluded verifying and validating names of the candidates to contest in the forthcoming fresh  presidential election and it will be a race for three.

Chakwera’s nomination papers presentation ceremony held at Mount Soche Hotel, Soche Convention Center in Blantyre.
Ansah receives nomination papers from President Mutharika the DPP torch bearer
Kuwani: Presents his nomination papers to the Electoral Commission chairperson Jane Ansah

The fresh poll has been necessitated following the nullification of the May 21 2019 election by the Constitutional Court on February 3 2020 and upheld by the Supreme Court of Appeal on May 8 2020.

And in a notice dated May 13 2020, MEC says it has verified and accepted names of three candidates who will battle it out in the poll, which is expected to be highly competitive.

The three candidates are Dr Lazarus Chakwera who will be running on the ticket of  Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Mbakuwaku Movement for Development (MMD)’s Peter Dominico Sinosi Driver Kuwani and Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika of the DPP-UDF Alliance.

“Take notice that the Electoral Commission, having received nomination of candidates for election to the office of President, hereby declare that the following [Dr Lazarus Chakwera, Peter Dominico Sinosi Driver Kuwani and Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika] have been validly nominated for election to the office of the President of the Republic of Malawi. The names of the candidates are in alphabetical order of the surnames,” reads a brief notice from MEC.

The candidates’ running mates have also been confirmed.

Chakwera’s running mate is Saulos Chilima , who is UTM Party president and  the country’s estranged Vice-President.

Mutharika’s running mate is Atupele Austin Muluzi, president of United Democratic Front (UDF).

While Kuwani, who is not a strong competitior, will have Mc Lenard Archbbold Lakawang’omaas his running mate.

The fresh presidential election follows an initial order by a five-judge panel of the High Court of Malawi sitting as the Constitutional Court that on February 3 nullified the May 21 2019 presidential election over alleged irregularities, especially in the results management system. The court ordered a fresh election to be held within 150 days.

The Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal on May 8 upheld the Constitutional Court ruling, including faulting MEC’s competence in managing elections and the definition of “majority” to mean 50-percent-plus-one vote in the presidential election instead of the previous first-past-the-post.

The fresh vote is scheduled to take place on July 2 2020, barely a day to the expiry of the Constitutional Court order to have the vote within 150 days.

But MEC suggested the date could be moved to June 23  by parliament to comply with the law.

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4 years ago

Jane alsah must resign now…. Tonse alliance, Tonse Tivotele

4 years ago

Tonse alliance tinyamuleni

4 years ago

GAME ON! Mongokumbutsana Tippex 21 MAY 2019 RESULTS 1. APM 1,940,709votes 2. CHAKWERA 1,781,740 3. SKC 1,018,369 4. AAM 235,400 As we all know APM was declared winner of the nullified presidential election. Now what has changed politically Alliances have been formed. .DPP/UDF and MCP/UTM . APM wapakidwa matope kumaso with the Court battles . APM wakhalira bibi by retaining Jane Ansah and other commissioners . APM picks Atupele as running mate who failed to win as MP at his father’s village. . APM fails to go to the north for 12 solid months the whole president cite security as… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Wakwithu

But says who that those figures will stand like that? Don’t be fooled muzadwala nazo ndale izi lindani madzi apite

4 years ago
Reply to  Wakwithu

TONSE Alliance failed to fill Likuni Boys ground. Atupele had mega rally in Lilongwe. Many people support Jane Ansah because the courts have not annulled parliamentary and local poll results which also had tippex used. So, people know that the courts were bribed after all international observers (all of them) including local observers said presidential and the other polls were free and fair.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wakwithu

APM was thrown stones in Blantyre his home town kkkkkkkkk on the delivery of the nomination papers days , and his hiding of what he saw this is why he’s sending the young boy atupele

4 years ago

Mayooo. Dzina langa lasowa. Mayooo. Dzina langa kulibe🤒🤒

4 years ago

Zilibwino – kwambiri!!!!

4 years ago

Chilima deflated to small size. Usova

4 years ago
Reply to  Rute

Small zero with VP benefits seems like your brain is like Chimelirenji! if biggy like MIA or People in dpp fight for running mate you call VP small!! Ask yourself what job you have probably thus the small size mr nobody but hater!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Mandado@147

He is a better man

4 years ago
Reply to  Mandado@147

It is small for an over-pompous man who told us his destiny was to be president.

James Banda
James Banda
4 years ago
Reply to  Rute

I have Panadol if you need some. It seems you are in great pain.

4 years ago

Chilima kugwa nayo basi. His big mouth has been proven wrong…..

4 years ago

Has Callista been told that Chilima is not on the ballot?

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
4 years ago
Reply to  Goti

Typical attitude of thieves and selfish individuals akuona ngati Chilima not being on the ballot he has lost. No wonder the lhomelisation program is a signature hallmark of DPP

4 years ago

Still MEC/DPP/UDF alliance looks ready to rig once more. Once more the ref may impose DPP on Malawians she is in love with APM.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kandulu

An impossibility – mark my words and they are correct!!!!

Malawi belong to the citizens

Tivote basi tithane nazo,paja no tippex,no fake tally sheets and no dublicates tally sheets only original things,wina alira ndithu.kumavala mask mumisonkhano please.

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