Mera shoots down MPs suggestion to cancel electricity generators deal with Aggreko
Power regulators, the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (Mera) has shot down a suggestion by the parliamentary committee on Energy, Mines and Natural Resources not to renew electricity generators deal with Aggreko.

Mera chief executive officer Collins Magalasi said even if Egenco takes over the running of generators, the K1 billion tag bill of running the power gensets would not go down.
In addition, Magalasi said it is against the energy law to let Egenco run the gensets on behalf of Aggreko.
“The only feasible way will be for Aggreko selling power to Egenco and Egenco selling to Escom but this arrangement would be more expensive,” said Magalasi.
The parliamentary committee made the suggestion after noting that K1 billion a month for 78 megawatts of power from the generators was expensive.
Minister of Energy, Mines and Natural resources Binton Kutsaira said the parliamentary committee suggestion was good but the government needed to invest more in Egenco to run the gensets effectively.
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They brought generators and yet half of the country is off the grid during every 24 hrs. Mulibe manyazi kodi angulu inu?
MERA is a cash cow for DPP. They wouldn’t defacate in the basket which keeps their looted bread. And yet all the educated people in the government are privy to this nonsense. Amalinyelo inu.
I don’t think this generators are helping Malawians at all! It was a move for that Animal we call president just to hustle the money from Malawians. That was plan l think is good to end it.
Mr. Ntete
Did you understand what Chilenga said?
It helps to read with clear lenses
Kuba mafuta katangale ndiye amene sitikufuna
If this government was serious enough, the money that is being given to this Aggreko would be used to set up clean energy technologies which under immense pressure can be installed in less than a year. Energy technologies such as wind and solar would not take long even within 6 months you could have energy supplied by these methods. This is just one of those syphoning strategies by this thieving government. Ena ake apeza mgodi wawo pamenepa. Mimba zanu mwamva anyani inu!!!!
Contrary to your 6 month conclusion, wind and solar require feasibility and environmental assessments. Please enlighten yourself by reading up on South Africa’s solar farms or Kenya’s wind farms. However the genset deal is also not making sense.
Some things do not need each user to conduct their own feasibility study. You can just learn from other users results. For instance to have solar or wind energy over hydro power needs no special feasibility study.
Do you really expect Magalasi to allow that. He is the one who brought aggreko and is making millions from this deal and are sharing these millions with Peter Mutharika. APM deliberately sent Magalasi to MERA from state house to oversee this deal.
I need some rest.
What a daft suggestion by Chilenga and company! You remove 78MW from a system with a capacity of 370 MW and a demand in excess of 350 MW, and what do you end up with? Massive load shedding.
You already received bribes that is why you have rejected this. Too sad