Minibus operators threaten to hike fares in Lilongwe
Minibus operators in Lilongwe have threatened to hike minibus fares for various routes in the city in reaction to traffic police strict application of regulations especially the one which regulates bus carrying capacity.

Traffic police have in recent times increased their presence on the roads in Lilongwe making it difficult for the drivers to break the prescribed passenger carrying capacity rule for different minibuses.
Most operators have been disregarding the prescribed three passengers per seat rule and instead have been carrying four passengers per seat in Lilongwe.
“The traffic police officers are everywhere and it is affecting our business. We have no choice, but to hike the fares from next week”, complained one bus driver.
Minibus Owners Association of Malawi member, Manuel Thayo said the drivers were not representing the views of the association.
He assured the public transport commuters that the association has no intentions of hiking the bus fares.
“The law is clear. They are supposed to be carrying three passengers per seat not four and they are aware of that,” Thayo said.
Lilongwe Police Public Relations Officer Kingsley Dandaula played down the sentiments of the operators saying the law has always been there.
“The minibus operators have been going against this regulation for some time now and in recent time we have increased our presence around on the city’s roads to ensure that road traffic regulations are strictly adhered to in order to protect life and property.
“The minibus owners have an association and they are aware of the laws and I don’t think the drivers can effect the price increases without the endorsement of the association,” he said.
Guys kodi anzathu aku Blantyre amakwanitsa bwanji yet the fares in Blantyre are at the lower side than in Lilongwe. Lets bring decency in our country please, look who is talking ? a mere driver not even the owner of the bus. A police pitilizani ntchito yabwinoyo ife timasilira anzathu aku Blantyre anthu amayenda mwa smart
Zikuwoneka kuti nonse mwalankhula zaku Area 25 simukudziwa bwinobwino zomwe zimachitika. Ku Area 25 amakweza ma fares a ma minibus ndi ma doba doba oyitanila aja. Ma conductor ndi ma Driver amango khala chete. A Police a ku Area 25, akudziwa bwino bwino zimene ndikunena izi. Akawa manga lero mawa atuluka. Komanso eni ma Minibus ambiri a ku Area 25, ndi a zipani akuti amanyengelera ma Voti choncho sangalore kuti ma Dobadobawa akhale ma Lova. Komanso Chipani cha DPP sichingaletse tima minibus tating’onoti mu Town, chifukwa akufunanso mavoti. Listen, it is very easy to deal with this Minibus nonsense. One… Read more »
Woyendetsa minibasi yemwe adachita kulembedwa ntchito ndi yemwe akuwopseza! Zoseketsa kwambiri. Dziko lino liri ndi malamulo omwe tikuyenera kumatsatira nthawi zonse. Mwina ndi umbuli womwe wakuchititsa kulankhula zoduka mutu ngati izi. Tangoyesani muwone basi zikuluzikulu ziyamba kunyamula anthu mtawunimu. Mmbuyomo basi zikuluzikulu zinkanymaula anthu! Usadzimve kupambana kambowa, nyeke, bwampini, gondwa, kaligondo, kanyimbi kwavwiza, kapunjunju iwe!
The Malawi Government should consider cushioning commuters against adverse effects of the economy by making sure that workers travelling to and from work use passenger services that provide affordable, safe and comfortable public transport. That form of public transport is crucial to commuters since it makes travelling in cities much easier. The majority employees working in public and private institutions are finding it hard to pay minibus fares. As such the authorities should call back Stage Coach Holdings in Scotland to reestablish their company in the country’s cities or allow AXA to provide increased access to public transportation. Once that… Read more »
mbuzi anzanu ku Blantyre amakwanitsa bwanji???? zadyera basi!!!!!
Not each and everyone in Blantyre is able to meet minibus expenses. Stand at the Clock Tower and see the number of people walking on foot going towards Chilomoni Township, Mbayani Township and Chemussa. How about those heading to Sigelege?Then go to Ginnery Corner and HTD – Universal Biscuit, and see the number of people heading towards Zingwangwa, Chimwankhunda, Catholic Institute, Manase and Kampala. Currently, in Blantyre a small family needs about K 208 000.00 to survive. Those who are managing have multiple sources of income … including practices whereby members of the public are forced to pay for public… Read more »
Achotse kampando koonjezela kaja komaso oima pachitse siofunika