Minister Kambala pledges Govt support to Mini Hydro Power Projects in Mzimba and Nkhata Bay

The Minister of Energy Newton Kambala has said the government is committed to providing technical and financial support for the upgrading of Kasangazi and Mchezi Hydro Power Projects in Mzimba and Nkhata Bay, respectively.

Colrerd Nkosi, a 39-year-old man from Yobe Nkosi Village in Traditional Authority Kampingo Sibande in Mzimba, invented Kasangazi Hydro Power Project using scrap metals some 14 years ago.

To date, Nkosi connected close to 30 households to his 300 kilowatt grid.

Kambala poses for a photo with Nkosi (in red mask) at the power intake–Photo by Watipaso Mzungu, Nyasa Times

On the other hand, Hastings Mkandawire initiated Mchezi Community Hydro Electric Power Project in 2017.

However, Nkosi and Mkandawire have been facing technical and financial challenges to realize their goal of powering 900 and 230 households, respectively.

On Friday, Kambala inspected the two sites to appreciate the progress made so far and how the government could weigh in to ensure successful completion of the projects.

The minister said he was impressed with the innovation and level of commitment the two young men have demonstrated to contribute towards the development of their communities through generation of hydroelectric power.

Kambala (left) inspecting the power intake Nkosi invented–Photo by Watipaso Mzungu, Nyasa Times

“I wish to assure you that the government will assist you complete your projects. These projects are in line with the government policy to promote mini-grid projects in an effort to increase the number of households that are connected to electricity,” said Kambala.

Nkosi and Mkandawire, speaking in separate interviews, cited lack of financial and technical resources as being major barriers to their projects.

They called upon the government and development partners to assist them.

And following the sharing of a video showing Nkosi working on his power generation site, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Press Trust have come in to support Nkosi who has connected Kasangazi Full Primary School to his grid.

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Useless graduates from .....achite manyazi
Useless graduates from .....achite manyazi
3 years ago

Remarkable, these are form 4 graduates putting their knowledge into practice thereby solving priority local problems. Meanwhile so called graduated from our university siti phwii in offices, watching pornography on their iphones or chatting up prostitutes day in day out. I would ask the minister to replace escome operation managers with these young men, they will bring power to the rest of the country- they have demonstrated capacity. Vindele so call university students all they know kuba ntchochi, zitumbuwa and kutukwana anthu. Fotseki

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