Minister of Labour Agnes Nyalonje launches Labour Practices Code to help eliminate child labour

Minister of Labour Agnes Nyalonje on Monday launched the Labour Practices Code of conduct at the function which took place at Capital Hotel in Lilongwe.

Speaking during the launch Nyalonje said this code will help to end and completely eliminate all forms of child child labour in country.

She said the launch demonstrate President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera commitment to completely eliminate child labour.

“The launching of the Agriculture Labour Practices Code marks a significant milestone in our collective journey towards ensuring fair, safe, and dignified labour practices within this critical sector. It represents a proactive and comprehensive response to our labour challenges. This Code is not merely a set of guidelines; it is an obligation – a promise to uphold the highest standards of labour practices within the tobacco industry,” she said.

The Minister said the launch is a beacon of hope for millions of workers and a testament to collective resolve to create a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable future.

She said the Agriculture Labour PracticesCode is built upon several core principles and aligns with international labour standards and human rights conventions.  Nyalonje has since urged stakeholders to make use of the code .

“Your support is crucial towards achieving the agenda of this document,” she said.

She said there is still need to uphold this code despite the country facing challenges coming because of the Covid 19 , and natural calamities of Cyclone Tropical Freddy.

” Some might say we dont have money to employ then let me just use the children, that is not allowed,” she said.

Speaking during the function Tobacco Commission (TC) Board Chair Dr Godfrey Chapola said the launch of the document shows Tobacco Commission commitment to ensure achievement to end child labour in the Tobacco industry.

Chapola said TC will ensure that the code is fully enforced and create a decent working environment.

He said that there was a gap operating the industry without this Code. Dr Chapola commended Elimination of Child labor in Tobacco Industry (ECLT) for the financial and Technical support.

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