Ministry of Education assures newly promoted Teachers of their hiked salaries soon
Ministry of education on Thursday met representatives from the newly promoted teachers where the secretary for education Professor Mangani Chilala Katundu assured them that they are destined to start getting their new salaries and allowances soon.

Mangani said the Ministry has ironed out issues which were affecting the process. He said the ministry was overwhelmed with the number of promoted teachers.
Following the delay, teachers met the ministry to ask for the way forward.
On the outcome of the meeting, both Katundu and the representative of the promoted teachers , described the meeting as fruitful.
“We met with the teachers, representatives of the teachers to clarify some of the misconceptions that have been there regarding the work that is the minister and the commissioners are doing with regard to teachers promotions. So when we had some interactions telephonically with some of the representatives. I thought it was good for them to come to the ministry so that they can appreciate the work that we are doing, but also understand the processes and some of the innovations that we are putting in place in this regard,” he said.
He said we have informed them with evidence that the there has been a lot of progress made.
“Yes, there were delays in disbursement of the adjusted salaries but we have assured them that a good number of the teachers will receive their salaries and the areas as well. So this month, the remaining few are going also to receive the salaries and arrrears,” he said.
He said the ministry has gone digital to quickly deal with the situation.
“We have gone digital. Through this process we have digitalized our processes and the process is now much faster than we were doing before and therefore we are proud we are proud and we invited them so that we can showcase and demonstrate to them the efficiencies that we have built into the processes of processing their promotions, unlike the way we were doing before,” said Katundu in an interview after the meeting.
Chairperson of the newly promoted secondary school teachers Diverson Chikungwa, commended the ministry for the meeting.
“We are very happy and satisfied with what the ministry is doing towards paying us this month. With what we have seen at the one-stop center where all the processes are taking place, we can confidently assure fellow promoted secondary school teachers that our new perks and arrears will surely be paid this month. The ministry is working tirelessly towards achieving this,” he said.
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