MLS says Chizuma broke oath of office when she talked to Orama Namalomba in leaked audio

Officials from Malawi Law Society (MLS), say voices that are calling for the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) director Martha Chizuma to resign over a leaked audio are coming from the fact that she took oath of office not to reveal official secrets.

Chrispin Chimwemwe Ngunde

MLS secretary Christine Ngunde however said that Chizuma is better placed to sue the person who leaked her phone conversation.

In the audio, Chizuma is heard talking to an unidentified male individual who is believed to have leaked the conversation which includes the ACB chiefโ€™s frustrations over some state agencies handling of corruption cases.

Some sections of society have been pressing the authorities to prosecute the concerned individual, as no action has yet been taken as his particulars also remain under wraps.

Critics regard the voice recording as a ploy aimed at bringing Chizuma down in order to sabotage prosecution of some high-profile cases.

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Kubwezera Sikwathu
2 years ago

MLS is here in Malawi sitting Phwii pampando. One wonders if there is any effect closing their offices. They are just good at commenting on nonsense but for them to tackle pertinent issues that affect Malawians, they are very poor. What are they doing as regards inefficiency of our courts to conclude cases? People are languishing in their homes after unfair dismissals some courts even fail to conclude injunctions. Judge shopping is all over. Yet there is nothing these guys are doing. So what do you want to tell us today. You better be quiet

2 years ago

inusotu alipo amene mukumuteteza ,heti? Leave Martha to do her job please..we can’t prove innocence by blocking the pursuance

Francis Liuma
Francis Liuma
2 years ago

Pointing out issues is not giving direction. As the uninitiated we are at loss as what ought to have been the best course of action from all parties concerned and the appointing authorities.

2 years ago

I guess there are procedures in the ACB department on how they should handle a situation like this. Following such procudures will be a viable move before listening to the MLS. I am more interested to know the motives of the MLS on their decision about the Chizuma’s mistakes. Do they have pure intentions? Considering that some of the lawyers might be having clients who are neck to neck with ACB. I also think before pushing forward with the attempts to force Chizuma’s stepping down we should consider the consequences of this. Will it bring positive outcomes to the country… Read more ยป

nsabwendiimeneyitu basi.
nsabwendiimeneyitu basi.
2 years ago

Bwanji tisiye kugwila Bible polumbila bcoz taonani from the president’s, ministers, , members of parliament, lawyers, how much corruption are we talking about breaking the law, maumboni ambilimbili, bwanji Jane ansah uja anaima ndi ma lawyers after given ma 10 million, kaphale bwanji, Martha kaukonde akugwila ncito ndi ambokile salimu bwa, iyi nde ya caught pants down and APA mukuti cizuma atani???? Prams namalomba kucenjera ngati nkodzo wa mwana. Tikumva.

2 years ago

They leaked it so that they can continue eating stolen treasures. They are fighting back by leaking conversations while us Malawians will fight back by retaining her in her position by fire or power ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Kennedy Lizimba
Kennedy Lizimba
2 years ago

I thougt the president said leave Chizuma alone so Who are You to counter the President’s directive.Kudziwa malamulo/ mwano Kapena chiyani-๏ผŸ

President Mkango Chisokonezo Manthakanjenjemereza
President Mkango Chisokonezo Manthakanjenjemereza
2 years ago

OI wonder what country is Malawi that somebody breaks the law and continue to hold governance position. And worse still every attempt to bring sanity is seen as fighting against corruption. But is corruption has only one person to fight? True it happen at any work that if you break the fundamentals of he work, you are sackedor told to resign. e.g. if you leak some iformation even can be taken as espionage like for a military officer, for auditors even your certificates are called by ACCA or ICAEW, for doctors your licence is revoked. so you kno how serous… Read more ยป

2 years ago

This should go further with the identification of the people who staged the whole incident.

2 years ago

The one who leaked the audio conversation should be traced and brought to book. Because there is no way Chizuma could conversate and end up leaking the same. If she was raising her concerns about how other government bodies are handling the corruption cases there was nothing wrong he too is a human being. If one holds an office it does not restrict him/her from expressing his/her personal feelings pertaining his/her work and this is normal. After all she did not express her views publicly rather to someone whom she trusted could keep the secret. Bingu at some point deeply… Read more ยป

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