MP Gaffar angers chief  for abuse of  Constituency Development Fund

Member of Parliament for Chikhwawa Central Zahil Gaffar has come under fire from an influential chief in his area Traditional Authority Katunga who is accusing him of misappriating funds meant for the purchase of construction materials of his office.

MP Zahil Gaffar : Under fire

In an interview at his Namalindi headquarters in Chikhwawa, Traditional Authority Katunga also accused Gaffer  for not undertaking on some crussial infrastructural  projects in his area although funds for the projects were already provided for under the Constituency Development Fund(CDF).

According to Katunga, one year since  funds were approved at the district council for the purchase of construction materials of his office, the office is yet to be constructed.

The T/A said efforts to meet the MP to account for the funds has proved futile as he has been elusive. Traditional Authority Katunga has vowed not to relent until justice on the matter is done.

“I have indeed summoned the MP after noticing that some projects we agreed with him were not being implemented. I have information that the MP has been getting money for various projects in my area but there are no new projects in my area.

“I have information that he reported at the council that my office is already completed when nothing is being done about it. Last time I called him he said he will come to handover the construction materials of my office but he never came. That’s what he has been saying. I shall not relent until my office is built,” said Katunga.

Programmes officer for Center For Fighting for Freedoms Organisation John Josik,a local NGO operating in T/A  Katunga’s area collaborated T/A Katunga’s remarks saying he delivered a latter on behalf of the MP  for him to meet the chief and  his subjects but the MP has been non committal.

Gaffar confirmed getting a latter requesting him to appear before the chief  but he said he failed to  go as he was required to travel to Lilongwe for Parliament meeting.

He said he requested for the meeting to be rescheduled until Parliament rises.

The MP dismissed accusations against him that he misused money for the purchase of construction materials of T/A Katunga’s Office,  saying the supplier called Sayid investment delayed in supplying the construction materials.

He said at the moment the supplier has managed to supply some bags of cement which he plans to handover over when Parliament rises.

“I have four Traditional Authorities in my constituency, the T/A should realise that its not like when he mentions a project then it shall immidiately been done,” said Gaffar”.

According to Traditional Authority Katunga a number of infrastructure development projects the incumbent member of Parliament pladged before he was voted into office have not been fulfilled.

He mentioned Mawira CDSS, Chinangwa under five clinic and construction of a std 8 class room block at chilongoma primary school as some projects the MP is yet to fufill.

There is no an under five clinic in Traditional Authority Katunga’s area forcing expectant women to cover a long distance to Chikhwawa District Hospital to seek care.

Zahil Gaffar replaced Benadettor Mlaka Maliro as an MP for Chikwawa Central Constituency in the 2014 tripartite elections as an independent candidate.

The incumbent defected into the rulling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).The constituency was once held  by Salim Bagus who is now in the opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

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6 years ago

Tikamadya ma buns tisaononge maina a wanthu, taonani katundu waperekedwa ine nali pompo lamulungu lomweli lethality, taonera mpira wokoma kwambiri, katundu woti ayambepo chitukukocho anenanso kuti supplier amukhumudwitsa iye Mp pochedetsa katundu and wina aliyense anali there anamva.

Former Official
Former Official
6 years ago

Mukumunenayu MP issa I once served under him ku Nchalo Utd FC when he was a General Secretary for over 2 yrs b4 he became MP and we had no sponsor and relied on well wishes n he ran the whole show, his discipline financially was the best the club ever had since Sucoma fc nde ine sindidabwa ndale yalowapo wina adya buns paja Chaka ichi 2018 ndicha campaign nde a Gulugunyinda ali ponse ponse kufuna u MP (ZACHISONI)

6 years ago

Chikhwawa central ali ndi ma TA 4, Lundu, Ndakwera, Maseya ndi Katunga, nde ngati TA akufuna zonse zibwere mdera lache nde sizingatheke komano, iyeyo TA akuiwala mabvuto ache angokhalira kutukwana ndi kuchotsa mafumu ache, komanso iyeyo ndi tsiku iriyonse anakonza Mulungu iye akumwa mowa nde wabwino pakati pa Mp ndi TA ndi ndani, Issa ndi waulemu, wozichepesa komanso wachisoni kwambiri, osamachitana kaduka mwina ma shadow akugula iwe ntolakhani

Dyelatu Teacher
Dyelatu Teacher
6 years ago

Ine 2014 I voted for Kafaukoma anali was mcp, Issa I did not know him to well chifukwa I had just come on transfer to work at a school nearby as a teacher but this issa ndiwoupeza chifukwa ukacheza naye omwe akumudziwa ndiwodzichepesa kwambiri nde nthawi zina pipo take advantage of this as what has happened, Bonanza imeneyi I had a privilege because ndinalipo pa school ya namalindi and anabweretsa truck ina yache yapa Nchalo yomwe inabweretsa katundu nde zomwe zanenedwa ndi reporter kaya anafufuza kaya!!!!!!! Shame kwambiri

Bridget Lapukeni
Bridget Lapukeni
6 years ago

Panali game ya Supuni FC vs Katunga Chiefs pa Namalindi school anawagulira ma Jersey komanso mipira komanso anawapatsa kangachepe ku team yowina ndi oluzanso, a Katunga omwe ndi a TA aderali anakhala pafupi ndi a Mp moyandikana, mpira unali wosangalatsa kwambiri anawina ndi a Supuni 2-1 (amalankhulana pa half time, Gavanala, a Nice, chair was Katunga ADC, a TA ndi kudzamalizira a Issa mp) ine ndinali pompo ndimaonera nawo moti Issa achokapo pa Malowo kukungoda kumene chama 6 koloko

Christopher Meleka
Christopher Meleka
6 years ago

Nthawi zina ma bungwe enawa opanda mfunda ndi ma reporter osaphunzira ntchito yawo amakhala kuchita report nkhani asanafufuze bwanji makosana sibooo, taonani tsopano ndi zija mumapeza mwasumiridwa kamba chowonoga dzina la munthu munene ndi munthu woipa koma mwamyipitsira dzina kosasata nkhani bwino bwino, katundu wa CDF Mp samagula amachita zimenezi zogula ndi aku Council, komanso supplier samakhala iyeyo Mp nde katundu akachedwa si iyeyo, kuthamanga magazi mwadya zama shadow Mp ena eti, Ambuye akukhulukireni

6 years ago

It is clear this is the work of Mia and Bagus. The constituency has more than one Chiefs, how come only one TA is complaining? Office ya a TA ndi chitukuko cha munthu Mmodzi. Bwana MP, concentrate pa zitukuko zopindulira anthu ambiri. Amfumuwa Mia wa wafumbatitsa 2 kg ya ma offals.

6 years ago

Why don’t you arrest him. What kind of a government do we have? Absentia in Parliament etc

6 years ago

If Malawians were looking for proof that the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is a channel for looting then this is it. I am sure most of the chiefs in Malawi have similar stories. The K4 billion disbursed by Honourable Gondwe a few days ago will also be plundered the same way with DPP approval. The CDF is sometimes referred to as MPs Allowance Fund in DPP circles.

6 years ago

Sunday yomweyi Mp akunenedwayo anali pa Namalindi ndi a TA omwewo a Katunga kupereka katundu wa CDF pa ground pomwe panali bonanza ya mpiranso sponsor kukhala Mp, nde pompo nde timveno ziti a reporta

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