MP Kalindo plans naked protests: Accuses Malawi development  partners, the rich for witchcraft-fuelled albino attacks

It’s no comedy but reality protests! Mulanje South member of Parliament (MP) Bon Kalindo (a renowned comedian) is planning to stage a naked protests to push for death sentence implementation following the dramatic rise  in abductions and killing of persons with albinism.

kalindo: I will hold naked demo
Kalindo: I will hold naked demo

Kalindo said he wants albino killers to face executions when convicted by the courts.

He is  lobbying fellow lawmakers to support his cause to retain capital punishment, saying some MPs are “sleepy”.

The High Court abolished the mandatory death penalty after it was deemed unconstitutional, but although not implemented, Malawi has retained the death penalty for murder, rape, treason, armed robbery and burglary with aggravated circumstances.

Kalindo said it should be mandatory in law that albino killers should face death sentence.

“If it does not happen I will walk naked from Old Town [Lilongwe] to Parliament Building to show my fury and force it to happen with speed because we are not doing enough,” said Kalindo on Sunday.

He expects many people – both male and female- to turn up for  the nude protests and it will be sexy demonstrations to watch.

Speaking on privately-owned Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS), Kalindo also blames Malawi’s development partners, saying some foreigners working in the country  and the some rich Malawians were behind the mysterious attacks..

“We wonder why some of these development partners keep on pumping huge sums of money into the country. There is something thye are taking out of this country. The government needs to wake up,” he said.

“I strongly believe the rich people are behind albino killings , they are using the poor to kill albinos,” said Kalindo.

Kalindo,  who is also deputy spokesperson for  ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP),  added that he has done a research which he has found out that albino body parts are magnetic and that their hair can be weaved into fishing lines to help fisherman make a big catch.

Witchcraft  and mysterious occult beliefs have been blamed for the surge in attacks targeting albinos.

President Peter Mutharika last week told BBC Focus on Africa that the bizarre, mystical belief that possession of albino body parts could bring riches in a relatively short period of time is “ foolishness and ignorance”.

Mutharika said he would not introduce a death penalty as it already exists for homicide in Malawi.

He said his government would send Inspector General of Police Lexten Kachama to neighbouring Tanzania to learn how they had dealt with similar attacks.

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8 years ago

Koma zobeba zimenezi.

8 years ago

the law favours the rich always!!!!

Racist McTumbukaFace
Racist McTumbukaFace
8 years ago

I would have loved to join the naked protest but my shaft is too small! Izi ndizofunika alhomwe with their big dicks!

8 years ago

I love his madness. Bravo Kalindo

8 years ago
Reply to  sabata

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