MP Kalindo vows to reject repeal of anti-homosexual laws

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)  Member of Parliament for Mulanje South, Bon Kalindo has vowed that he will not support any attempts to repeal anti-homosexual laws if parliament is tasked to deliberate   a bill to recognise gay rights.

MP Kalindo : I will shoot down any bill that will promote homosexuality
MP Kalindo : I will shoot down any bill that will promote homosexuality

Kalindo said he has been mandated by his constituents  to stand firm against the bill claiming they were all against the idea.

He said the constituents made their stand during a community development meeting at Group Village Head Tchete in the area of Traditional Authority Mabuka where the members him to discuss “burning issues”.

Community facilitator for Liwu la Kumudzi Maxwell Lameck said recognition of gay rights was one of the hottest topics in the villages where homosexuality is a new subject that has already been understood as outlandish.

According to Lameck, the constituents do not want homosexuals to be accorded with their rights as they say marriage between same sex mortals is condemned and is punishable by death; and they say Malawi being a God-fearing nation should not join the ‘yes to homosexual rights’ band wagon.

“For this and other various reasons honorable, we would like to ask you not to support the nuisance if it be brought to Parliament for discussion,” said Lameck amid deafening ululation and hand claps from traditional leaders and their subjects.

Responding to the call, MP Kalindo assured the crowd that he was going to do as requested by the people adding he personally shares same feelings against the idea.

“I for one am an individual who personally feels that voting yes to homosexuality or the recognition of rights for people practicing it would be a betrayal on you the people; because here in the village from where I was elected, acts of homosexuality are not condoned to in any way,” he said.

In an interview, Kalindo added that another issue he did not feel comfortable with was the one to do with the legalization of industrial hemp in the country, to which he said his vote would also be “a big no”.

Random interviews across the district has indicated that people from Mulanje Bale, Mulanje Central and Mulanje South-East constituencies are also planning on calling their MPs to tip them a vote of ‘no’ to gay rights.

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yufo mmm
9 years ago

all people who support gays they are nonsens.

9 years ago

Does Kalindo not realize that religion is artificial, i. e. (NOT REAL) and to use that foolishness to condemn people for whom they love and the way they are born is sick and immoral.Who elected that creep?
Lameck seems to lack any commonsense as well.Promoting the idiocy of religion at the expense of basic civil rights of anyone is a crime against humanity.He should be arrested for that is a hate crime.

9 years ago

“manofprincipales” obviously doesn’t have much sense.10% of all people everywhere are gay.To deny them basic human rights that all people live under is sick and immoral.To call homosexuality”evil behaviour by whites” has to be the most stupid comment on these pages,this year.
What a pitiful creep.

9 years ago

God say for all hve sin. Is be gay only sin you pple know? Dnt forget that sin is sin bear it big or small all dsame, dnt hate or kill som1 becos he is a gay but show him love cus God is love.

9 years ago

Sono tikakhala ma gay, ma gay ena azibadwa bwanji stupid thinking

Punish then
Punish then
9 years ago


Mjomba- Saizi
9 years ago

Kudos Kalindo, kumeneko ndiye kubwera!

9 years ago

fire burn batty bwoiz…we as malawians we say no to stupidity…as an african and malawian in particular i say nooooooooooo to this evil behaviour by whites

vincent namakhwa
vincent namakhwa
9 years ago

We not gay[zaubwana basi zichepe

9 years ago

Mr Kalindo Bravo! wanthu wa ku consituancy ya kalindo bravooooooooooo! God fearing pipo keep it up amene akumati onse ndi matchimo ndi amene ali atsogileri a u gay. Pepa m,bale ugay siwabwino bwerera ku umunthu wako Mulungu salakwitsa chimodzi modzi polenga Eva and Adamu so chonde osatsuna naye bwerera ku umunthu wako. A human rights nawonso ngochokera kwa Eva and Adam so lingariran.

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