MP Ngalande invests K40m for Balaka North mobile clinic project

Balaka North Constituency parliamentarian, Anthony Ngalande, has bought three ambulances worth K40 million–using his personal money–in a bid to improve lives of people there.

The Bridge in Balaka North constructed with Ngalande’s funds. Pic by Alfred Chauwa, Nyasa Times.
Two of the ambulances. Pic by Alfred Chauwa–Nyasa Times

Ngalande who is independent, in an interview with Nyasa Times on Wednesday in Lilongwe, said he intends to use the ambulances as mobile clinics.

“The ambulances have already been procured and are presently in the country for the project to roll out,” said Ngalande.

He said the initiative is coming in after he noticed that ordinary people in Balaka district trek long distance to access quality health care.

The legislator added that his passion  is to transform lives of the people in the area, a thing which he said he has already  started implementing.

He said when he was elected MP for the area, people faced various challenges such as poor roads and bridges.

So far, he said, he has completed some notable projects in his drive to develop his area.

He cited an examples of Toreza Kabango bridge which connects to Matola Village  and  Missu bridge which connects to Chinkwita Village.

Currently, he said his target is to upgrade the Balaka to Mbela road. Apart from that, he said, construction work is already underway for the Kachenga Bridge.

On water and sanitation Ngalande said currently 11 boreholes have been drilled, but he said the target is to drill 100.

He said: “During my campaign I promised to initiate provision of safe drinking water and this is exactly what I am doing.”

On youth empowerment, he said so far the area has already benefited from the technical colleges which are being implemented across the country.

“The community college  in the constituency was built by government  and we commend government  for the college which will improve  the lives of the youth in my constituency,” he said.

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5 years ago

komatu aise apapa SOLDIER ndiye umupweteka,chifukwa game yako waiponyera patalitu

5 years ago

Good news komanso musatiwalire kukonza brigde ya kumansi kwa balaka livilidzi tikamapita ku toreza tidzayamika.

wa Nyau
wa Nyau
5 years ago

a Lucius komwe mulikomukuva bwanji? mzanu sanathe chaka tu constituency yanu ija yayamba kale kusintha.
Thanks nyasa times,izi ndye nkhani zofunika kumalemba za milandu zatitopetsa asa

Mr Fact Kaviphwisi
Mr Fact Kaviphwisi
5 years ago

Keep on the good works, there is still room for more development..

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