Mphwiyo rearrested: Banda nabbed over tax evasion

It never rains but pours for  former Ministry of Finance Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo who was Friday rearrested together with businessman   Nelson Kauwa of  South African-based Thuso Group.

Mphwiyo: Gun shot survivor rearrested
Mphwiyo: Gun shot survivor rearrested

Nyasa Times understands that the suspects have been arrested on tax issues.

Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA)  deputy director responsible for corporate affairs, Steve Kapoloma, confirmed the arrests.

Kapoloma said MRA in the “joint operation” with graft-busting arrested  the three in connection to “ tax evasion”.

“They have been arrested for tax evasion malpractices,” said Kapoloma.

“Investigations are on going,” he added.

Malawi Police Service (MPS) spokesperson Rhoda Manjoro confirmed Mphwiyo was in police custody but  could not say if they will be released after questioning on Friday.

Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) said with the help of the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM), they probed  some companies who were defrauding government.

The South African-based Thuso Group, owned by Alexander Banda and Nelson Kauwa, is alleged to have received $4.8-million in the cashgate scandal.

This is the second arrest for Mphwiyo  who is expected to appear in court to answer ‘cashgate’-related charges.

Mphwiyo was arrested on October 19, 2014 alongside his wife, Thandizo.

Anti Corruption Bureau pressed charges of theft, money laundering and defeating the course of justice

Mphwiyo, now 38, was shot on September 13 last year as he drove into his villa in the capital, Lilongwe. Soon after his shooting former president Joyce Banda declared she knew who shot Mphwiyo who she described as her anti-corruption crusader in government.

The unprecedented shooting unravelled ‘cashgate’, the systematic plunder of public resources where businessmen and politicians connived with civil servants to skim millions of dollars from the government payment system in payment for goods and services not rendered to government.

Mphwiyo had four bullets removed from his body and had his face reconstructed in South Africa.

Former Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Theresa Senzani was first to be convicted in ‘cashgate’-related charges. She is now serving a three-year jail term.

An  Accounts Assistant in the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Natural Resources, Victor Sithole, was also convicted in the ‘cashgate’-related charges and is serving a nine year jail term.

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10 years ago

Bad tyms which were already prophesied in the Bible. “People shall lov themselves” Accepting to allow the multitude to liv in dire poverty as many us ordinary Mwians are.
Very pathetic !

10 years ago

MSRIP and we r waiting for 92 anatafuna ndani pasavute

chikondi mtengowaminga
chikondi mtengowaminga
10 years ago

Mbabvanu! Mmaso muli ptiiii ndizakuba. wobeledwa sagona kuchedzera kuphemphera, dziwani kuti maso a Namalenga sagona. ONE DAY IS ONE DAY.

mr chimbwititi
mr chimbwititi
10 years ago

ingoululirati mphiyo anthu asanamphwitikulenso mbali inayo kuti akutuma amaiwa

10 years ago

Don’t run away from the thruth. These guys stole our money and must be punished. It is common thruth that JB was behind this. some fools are saying that prosecuting them will not benefit the country. Think properly and do ur research b4 saying that nonsense. So u want APM to perform when the gvt does nt hv cash due to cashgate?

10 years ago

Zomvesa cison kwambr guys anthu Pano tikupwetekedwa ndi ndi misonkho, not just tax only…….ma bzness athu alowa pansi, wina Akungopita ku USA ngati ku toilet ndalama zake za cashgate zoooooona??????

10 years ago

monga ife anthu opanda ntchito kwa inu ogawa ndiwo pamene mphikawo simunasonkheze nawo ,tavomeleza kukhala chete kuwonelela zopusa izo mukupanga nthawi ifika zilango mulandila ngati sipansi pano kwa mulungu mukayaluka just keep on cheating us but u cant hide from your own shadow

Arthur G.M. Mtambo
10 years ago


Sapitwa kakulanye
Sapitwa kakulanye
10 years ago

The problem we have in Malawi is that most politicians, rich, powerful and connected people always want to get free services. They want to get everything for free. Please change and learn to get your wealth through genuine hard work not crooked means.

sayimoni bayisikolo
10 years ago

All these you call leaders in Malawi are seated on looted money from the thief Muluzi to the rest.Was Peter rich when he came from the states after spending almost 40yrs?No.People in Malawi join politics to help themselves not the ordinary povos who scrapes for a living.These opportunists use gullible Malawians to win their votes from the same stolen funds.These winding cases of the cashgates and the rest do not take Malawi anywhere.His fallen Brother Bingu became rich overnight in his old age without even enjoying the looted funds.Even this woman you call JB is another useless person.She knew all… Read more »

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