Mphwiyo under protective custody in South Africa
Malawi’s shot Treasury Budget Director, Paul Mphwiyo, has been placed under protective custody by Malawi security agents and their South African counterparts pending the ongoing investigations on his shooting and the cash gate saga.
President Joyce Banda told the nation recently once Mphwiyo recovers he would help to give answers on the clandestine dealings that have been happening at Capital Hill.
The development comes amidst reports that most suspects in the scandal are applying every tactic available to interfere with the investigations.
An inside government source who chose not to be named for security reasons revealed that Mphwiyo was being protected by a team of Malawi Police Officers who are working together with their South African counterparts.

“He is within Gauteng and he is being protected by a special team of Malawi Police Officers with the help of South African police service,” said the source close to the matter.
However, the source could not disclosed the particular area where Mphiyo is being kept saying only the police are aware of the place.
And in a telephone interview, South African Police National Spokesperson, Lieutenant General Makgale, confirmed that the South Africa Government was helping Malawi to provide security to Mphwiyo saying he is currently in a safe place but could not give more details on the issue.
“What I can say is that the South Africa police are fully in control of the matter,” said Makgale without shedding more light on the issue.
Malawi Police Spokesperson, Rhoda Manjolo, also confirmed that Mphwiyo was being provided with sufficient security in South Africa to protect his life.
“Paul Mphwiyo has been given sufficient security, the security will be provided as long as it is needed,” said Manjolo.
Mphwiyo was discharged from Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg after a successful surgery and is reportedly under undisclosed house being rented by government as he awaits facial reconstruction following the gun shots he suffered onSeptember 13.
Early this month, President Banda appointed Chauncy Simwaka as acting budget director.
And spokesperson for the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) Arthur Chipenda has also said Mphwiyo is waiting for facial reconstruction following gunshot wounds he suffered on September 13 2013.
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