MRA says Malawi government vehicles exempted from carbon tax
Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) says government vehicles will not be liable for the carbon tax.

Spokesperson for MRA Steve Kapoloma said ambulances, all government vehicles and newly imported vehicles will not be liable for this tax which is effective Monday, November 25.
“We need to emphasize that all money collected will go to Account number One of the government,” said Kapoloma.
The introduction of the new tax has brought mixed reactions with some people wondering how the government will account for the money for its cause.
Carbon tax is a fee on the carbon content of fossil fuels.
This government has lost all wisdom in why things should be done. This is hopeless leadership really.
Completely nonsense! First,Carbon Tax should go for environmental issues caused by burning fossil fuel. Yes, like planting more trees! It should not disappear in account one financing.., in the worst case more cars running in the convoy of the president. Second, the calculations are not adding up. Carbon emissions are caused by each liter of fuel burnt in an car or truck engine. Therefore Carbon Tax must be based on the amount of liters an vehicle is using throughout the year not on the size of the engine! Third, therefore the categories are wrong! Trucks are completly spared or paying… Read more »
The problem is that in Malawi we have goats in decision making positions and we have policies that are not implemented. (characteristics of goats). Duty on second hand cars in Malawi is based on engine size and year of make (which affect carbon production). Now a new goat at MRA doesn’t know this and is charging another tax, Yet they will not use the money to plant trees which removes the CO2 from the air.
Can we take an injunction against this implementation. This is indeed wrong we already highly taxed on second hand vehicles for this reason. MRA remove this duty tax and don’t implement your thing this double punishment. MRA do you want people to demonstrate against this.This is sad u wont be spared for this.Malawians are failing to survive and you think all people who drives have money.Shame.. Malawians lets not let this happen its never too late.
This is another case of injustice. HRDC, mobilise Malawians please as you did in Nsundwe. Truck drivers have said no to you but we as taxi and local drivers will make Malawi at a stand still if this madness continues.
A bhaizika a DPP
the Queene had 5 vehicles and 4 motor cycle
pitala 45 convoy
Chakwera motorcade take ili ndi magalimoto angati
Chakwera gives you sleepless night?
Popeza ine maphunziro ndi operewerako pang’ono, kodi “newly imported cars” ndiye atiwo?
Kodi ma galimoto a Boma ndiye samatulutsa utsiwu? Iwowa ndi amenenso ali ndi magalimoto ambiri, komanso akutha amene akutulutsa utsi kwabasi.
Isn’t duty levied based on engine size and age? The bigger the engine and the older the vehicle, the more duty one has to pay. Wasn’t the intention to make owners of motor vehicles pay for the pollution they would cause? This is double charging and yet the most polluter pays no tax. Just look at the convoy of APM or his vice and count how many vehicles are there. If their concern is reducing carbon footprint they would reduce their convoy. This is another way devised by MRA to steal from Malawians for APM and Chimulirenji to waste on… Read more »
Another way to trick the Malawi people. This government always creates dubious ways to steal from the poor Malawians. Carbon tax is not our issue, we are a very poor and corrupt nation. Please stop this BS. We are getting very tired of your shit.
Carbon tax (polluter pays) not applicable in Malawi. We are already burdened with several taxes and what we consume from our sweat is very little.
May be just advise our employers to channel our salaries and wages into Account No. One because it seems Govt is already our neck. We pay more 200% duty, excise, VAT (aggregated) when importing these second hand goods from outside.
Who is polluting our environment in Malawi?