MRA suspends officer over carbon tax remarks on social media
The Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) have suspended one of their Blantyre-based employees after a video in which the woman was mocking motorists on Carbon Tax went viral on social media platforms, primarily WhatsApp.
The tax-collecting body announced last week that they will be collecting Carbon Tax from motor vehicles upon renewal of Certificate of Fitness (COF).
The introduction of the tax sparked outrage from the public with some describing it as milking an already thin cow.
The woman sent the video on social media mocking motorists that the tax is so small compared to the period and money they spend on other issues.
The video clip which is 27 seconds long, the woman speaking in Chichewa said “eeehh Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, zolubwalubwa mbwe. Anthu mumapita ku Lake of Stars opanda plan, kuthira galimoto full tank. Carbon Tax yemweyu ena muli ndi ma Mira, four sauzande, four sauzande yopereka pachaka koma mukulubwa za Carbon Tax. Muzitolere kaguliseni mukalipire Carbon Tax. Zachamba eti. ( You are making noise about Carbon Tax yet you spend so much money on unplanned things like Lake of Stars and the tax is only K4 000 per year. Just go and pay Crabon Tax, nonsense”.
MRA has however been quick to distance themselves from the woman saying she holds no capacity to speak for the tax-collecting entity.
In a statement made available to Nyasa Times, signed by MRA’s Head of Corporate Affairs Steven Kapoloma, they indicate that the sentiments are contrary and inconsistent with MRA Values, Ethics and Code of Conduct.
“The sentiments made by the officer in the post are personal and do not in any way reflect the position or stand of MRA on the subject matter and should be disregarded”, reads part of the statement.
And it adds “the officer has been suspended pending desciplinary procedures and the authority most sincerely apologises to the public and regrets the incident.”
The tax was implemented on Monday, November 25 2019.
Ndalama zachepako ku account number 1, mbava zachuluka. Podzafikana uja m’mati wogona uja waku Ntcheu kukatenga nawo kukagayira mfumu yakwawo
Mukamalembana pa chibale ndi choncho
Mmmmh izi NDI Za social media. Mra kuzitengera hard.
komadi carbon wa zimagalimoto zakutha akutipweteka ku Malawi kuno azilipira ndalama zake zizipita ku za umoyo bwanji kumangotsutsa zilizonse ya caborn tax NDI yabwino
Man up! that means the cost of transportation will have to go up. That cost will be transferred to the poor pipo. Think about the poor dont be greedy!
Small brains are usually found in big heads
The cash collected from this carbon tax I what kind of programs/activities is it going to undertake? Mukanatiuza kuti ndalamayi izilowera kuti. Dollar imeneyi siikapezeka ili muthimba mwa a chimwene aja?
I think MRA blew the lady’s personal sentiments out of proportion. The sentiments are purely personal and not intended to represent MRA Corporate. Besides, the comments are on a newly introduced tax of which as a person and probably as a car owner, is also a tax payer. Unless MRA tells the world that one of their corporate values among their employees is not to comment about taxes, there is no issue here warranting suspension. Please reinstate her without delay.
Just fire her. People working in government institutions should know, they are there for Malawians who pay them. Kulankhula motumbwa kudzimva kupambana should never be tolerated. We have some people in police, immigration, MRA, MACRA among others who think and behave as if these organisations belong to them as individuals. Mukamaba just know there are lots of Malawians who are suffering and are paying taxes just to make you get good salaries. Let this woman go and live life like majority of Malawians. After that she will know, she was just employed.
I beg and beg the authorities, she is a young lady full of life and reading the clip, she only overstepped her office ethics ( which I do not know). Probably she is right! Laugh it off and let her work
The main issue would be the organization’s policy and awareness to its employs regarding handling of social media. In an institution where awareness is robust employees wouldn’t even attempt to do this. The problem, I fear is that MRA didn’t create the necessary awareness internally. It’s one thing to have a policy and another to have employees familiarize and internalize the policy tenets. Let this be a learning point but don’t sacrifice her in the process.
On another note, please MRA nepotism lekani. We wish we had joined you koma ayi ndithu just employing ma cadets. Please tapota nanu.