Mulhakho loses Malawi broadcasting licence – MACRA
The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra) revoked the broadcasting licence it issued to Mulhako wa Alhomwe cultural group.
Mulhako wa Alhomwe was formed by former president late Bingu wa Mutharika on October 25 2008 to promote the Lhomwe culture in Malawi.
According to the statement, signed by Macra’s chairperson Martha Kwataine and director general Charles Nsaliwa, Mulhakho Radio got the licence in December 2011.
The radio later applied and was granted a six-month extension of roll out period from August 2012 to January 2013, but still failed to roll out and asked for a further eight-month extension from January to August 2013.
Macra said according to Section 29.1 of their licence, Mulhakho radio was to roll out its broadcasting services in Malawi within eight months from effective date of licence.
“However, Mulhakho radio applied and was granted a six month extension of roll-out period from 16th August, 2012 to 16th January 2013 under an agreement executed on 20th October 2012, between Mulhakho and Macra.
“In December 2012 Mulhakho radio applied for a further eight months extension,” the published statement said.
Macra said it invited Mulhakho radio officials to a meeting to make presentations and justify their application for extension.
“They cited difficulties in sourcing forex for procurement of their broadcasting equipment. Macra therefore requested Mulhakho radio to furnish backing documentation in support on the lack of forex.
“To date Mulhakho Radio has failed to roll out in accordance with the extension agreement or furnish relevant documentation on the lack of from 30th May 2013.”
Macra said it used its powers under section 24.1 (iv) and 29.2 of the Mulhakho Radio licence and under the Licence roll-out extension agreement to revoke Mulhakho’s radio licence effective from 30th May 2013.
Reverend Louis Mwanamvekha of the grouping said Mulhakho will seek judicial review on the matter.
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