Mulli goes on campaign for President Mutharika re-election
Businessperson Leston Mulli has come out of his political cocoon to drum support for President Peter Mutharika ahead of the crucial and decisive Constitutional Court sanctioned fresh presidential election on July 2.

Mulli, who is also Mulhako wa Alhomwe board of trustees chairperson, joined other top Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) top officials in Mzimba where he told people to massively vote for President Mutharika and his running mate Atupele Muluzi.
He touted Mutharika as a development conscious leader, tolerant and mature leader.
In his address, the regional governor for the north Christopher Mzomera Ngwira said the high turn-out at the rally was testimony that people in the north love the DPP.
“People cannot come to attend a rally which a party they don’t like is holding. People go to rallies held by parties they like,” he said.
DPP secretary general Grezelder Jeffrey was among those ruling party officials who attended the meeting.
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Chaka chake ndi chino Mupanga campaign mwiniwake ali pheee kugona. inu kumangovtika kupatsana corona virus mu misonkhano yanuyo
Mulli campaign is actually decampaigning DPP/UDF alliance:
1. Muli and his politically connected friends led to the bankruptcy of MSB bank through their toxic loans
2. Mulli just got a dubious payout from the government of 11 Billion kwachas…
3. Mulli said that DPP belongs to Mulhako…Northerners and people from Central are NOT Mulhako…so no need to vote for Mulhako DPP
Mulli is just wasting his time to campaign in the north. Kuno ni 0 pa 10. Let him just go back Thyolo.
Something is really wrong, mpaka awa kupanga campaign? Signs that they have smelled the exit door but they are in denial!! Ingopitani mudzikadya MK11Bn akupatsani last week ija!
Nzomvetsa chisoni kuti amphawife kwathu ndikungotukwana za ziiii. Wakakwa chani mulli ameneyo? Ngati komwe muliko mkuona ngati chakwera azabwera panyumba panu ndikukupasani saka ya unga sorry u are waisting your time. Mulli zake zinayera kalekale. Joyce banda sanaononge chuma cha boma? Nanga nkumamuvotera bwanji?
Iwe Joice Banda wake utiyo amene anaononga Chuma cha boma ? Chuma cha boma chinaonongeka mu nthawi ya bakili muluzi in His ten years term as a president , muulamulilo wa Bingu seven and half years coz akubawo anali chi chain cha maunduna aboma, Joice Banda only ruled Zaka ziwiri ndi half finishing last term ya malemu Bingu pamene anadziwitsidwa Kuti mubomamo zinthu zokhudzana ndi zachuma sizili bwino Joyce Banda analamula a international monetary fund IMF Kuti awafufuze amene Ali ku Za Chuma cha boma wo Kuti zilibwanji, so Ngati anali wakuba or oononga why she ordered the investigations ?… Read more »
Kkkkk baba ndalama zimapezeka ku ceiling ndi ku ma boot a galimoto ndi nthawi ya Bingu ndi Muluzi? Umbuli umenewu ndi wotani? Have fair analsyis on issues achimwene bcoz it was the time of JB when ppo anakhodzokera kuba poyerayera kodi iwe usandiseketse komanso kundimvetsa chisoni kwabasi. Muluzi ananena kale matenda a malawi muno ndi kuyiwala msanga moti apa iweyo wayiwala kale ndithu shhhhhe shame shame shame on you.
Mulli is just protecting his businesses knowing that the new government coming in July will not dance to his tunes. The people of Mzimba will not hear Mulli`s lies may be he can just concentrate on Phalombe and Chiradzulo not North. VIVA Tonse Alliance
It an open secret that Leston Mulli owes his business growth to the Muthalikas, Mulli has been awarded billions of Malawi Kwacha worth of contracts by the Muthalika Governments over the years , fertilizer subsidy, fertilizer transportation, medicine contracts, food supplies to Malawi Prision Service,Maize supplies to NFRA, ADMARC,name it. Mulli has been selfishly and greedily found everywhere as far as Government businesses are concerned .Simply put, Mulli’s motivation to campaign for the continued rule of the Muthalika family at the expense of all other families in Malawi is well understood and documented. But this is total nonsense, you mean… Read more »
This is part of STATE CAPTURE that has to rid of. Mitaji, loop holes for DPP to looting. Anthu dziko lonse akutuwa ali mbuuu! ku ntchito osayenda, business osayenda,.
Wina wake akugawa makobiri, ati ndi president
Kikikikiiiiiiii, NYEKHWE.
With all the money he’s gotten from government and APM, it’s high time he pay his dues especially when the head has his head in the sand ! Or simply playing Atupeles’ running mate 🥴
Muli why campaigning in the north, have you forgotten that you openly said during the Mulhakho wa Alhomwe that DPP is for the Lhomwe.
Medina amatsatila alhomwe kumeneko too much of them kudzigulila Malo ku mpoto . As far as I know notherners this DPP mulakho wa alhomwe is very far from being voted by the north