Mutharika heads to UK-Africa investment summit

President Peter Mutharika leaves Malawi on Friday for world’s first UK-Africa Investment Summit as the Constitutional Court is preparing to deliver  judgement for the presidential election nullification petition case, concentrating instead on luring investment to the country.

President Mutharika to lead Malawi delegation to 1st UK-Africa Investment Summit

The UK will host the UK-Africa Investment Summit in London on 20 January 2020.

Mutharika want to make sure Malawi is not elbowed out of the front of the queue as Britain’s African investment destination.

A trade deal was agreed in September last year between the UK and six Southern African countries to ensure continuity of trade conditions after Brexit, which will mirror the conditions that the countries currently enjoy with the European Union.

.Office of the President and Cabinet says the Malawi leader  leaves at 4pm on Friday through Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe.

The summit will be hosted by the Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson  and is expected to hold talks with the Malawian leader, who will also attend a reception hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

UK-Africa summit will bring together businesses, governments and international institutions to showcase and promote the breadth and quality of investment opportunities across Africa.

This is a prime opportunity for Malawi  to make its pitch to quality British companies and investors.

Britain’s International Development Secretary Alok Sharma has said Britain will be able to “turbo-charge” relations with Africa after Brexit by striking trade and business deals across the continent.

While Sharma says he hopes the summit will lead to “further investment and trade between Africa and the UK” it is merely the latest in a series of such events.

Last October, Russia played host to 43 African heads of state and government in the same month that France hosted its second annual “Ambition Africa” business summit.

In 2018, China welcomed 51 of the continent’s 54 leaders, one more than the United States four years earlier.

While sub-Saharan Africa is still the world’s poorest region, few see it as “the hopeless continent” any more.

“We want to help countries ultimately to become self-sustaining,” Sharma said. “That has to come through economic development.”

The Summit also intends to strengthen UK’s partnership with African nations to build a secure and prosperous future for all citizens.

Members will mobilise new and substantial investments to create jobs and boost mutual prosperity.

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Angoni apaphata
Angoni apaphata
5 years ago

When are we going to see the investors. Mukabwerako mumangolalata kuti opposition ikulepheretsa investors. Nanga bwanji osakonza Kaye zimenezo pumbwa iwe

5 years ago

akupita ku chibwezi uyu kkkkkk asatinamizepo apa Jane ansa akukadibwa uku kkkkkkkkkkkk

5 years ago

Please proceed to your house in the US and stay there.

5 years ago

Useless trip. No sane businessmen/women can come to waste their hard earned cash in Malawi. No electricity, poor road infrastructure, 2-hour long bank cues, robbery, extreme violence and unstable environment……..

5 years ago

How many times has this failed leader attended these functions? This is a total waste of tax payers money. considering the allowances for his entourage will out number the benefits of this visit (if history is anything to go by) why not just keep this old rat home? Mutharika has gone to many of these so called Investment opportunities and yet there is nothing to show for other than mere rhetoric. Unless Malawians wake up this corrupt povo will continue to take advantage of our tax resources. Besides, he is not the president of this country why is he going… Read more »

Kuswa Kuswa
Kuswa Kuswa
5 years ago
Reply to  Mercie

Travel well Your Excellency and very best wishes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mercie

Totally agree. This is just another glorified holiday for the big man who achieves nothing worth noting from his many trips abroad. No reliable power supply = no investment. Put your own house in order before expecting to attract foreign investment.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mercie

The problem with our African leaders more especially this old man peter mutharika is greedy . He wants to take everything good for himself self his family his region his district his party. This kingdom of dpp one day is going to shrink

Jackeroo john
Jackeroo john
5 years ago
Reply to  Mercie

Jane is already there

5 years ago

Ulemu wanu munthu wamkulu

5 years ago

Ananenatu kuti ndi mcp motumidwa ndi simbi phiri . Amene billionaire amene amawathandizila kuti mlandu uyende ku court chanzeru kulibeko ku court mbwelela izi zankutu dpp yawinakale mlandu .

5 years ago

Revolutionary ukuti jealousy eti ok udzionela wekha zaka five mukukhomedwa misomali simasewela mwafatafa kulila ndikumodzi opposition mcp /utm ili mmadzi .

Mangochi Kabwafu
Mangochi Kabwafu
5 years ago

God help us as this old ntchona runs this country down.

5 years ago

God will shame the opposition for sheer jealousy in a few days time

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