Mutharika hits back at Uladi on nepotism charges

President Peter Mutharika made rare attack on Uladi Mussa, leader of PP in parliament who accused the Head of State of nepotism.

Uladi with President Mutharika at parliament
Uladi with President Mutharika at parliament

Mussa speaking in parliament, accused Mutharika for appointing a distant third in the clerk of parliament job interviews leaving out the person who came first.

But reacting to the accusation, Mutharika speaking at political rally in Mangochi on Saturday said the law provides that parliament submits three names to the President and he has powers to appoint any of the three.

“I don’t even know where Mrs Fiona Kalemba comes from and I don’t want to know but I appointed her because she is an expert in bill drafting. I dont think there is anyone in Malawi who can beat her on bill dratting,” he said.

Speaker of the National Assembly Richard Msowoya preferred Charles Mkandawire in what other people said preference out of nepotism and tribalism too.

While a CoP is appointed by the President following recommendations from the PSC, the officer works under the direction of the Speaker.

Section 16 of the Parliamentary Service Act says that a CoP shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the PSC.

Kalemba becomes the second female CoP since independence after Matilda Katopola who left office acrimoniously in 2012 and has since bagged herself about K70 million ($125,000) from the government as compensation for unfair dismissal.

According to Section 55 of the Constitution and Section 16 of the Parliamentary Service Act, the CoP is responsible for managing operations of Parliament, providing procedural advice on parliamentary laws to committees among others.

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victim Chamkhuni Lwazazi
victim Chamkhuni Lwazazi
9 years ago

By the way what tribe is Fiona Kalemba? Where does she come from?
Bungu is always mis-told to pick people from Lhomwe tribe. Though one
of my parents is a Lhomwe, it is morally disgusting for the tiny poor divided
so called Malawi.

9 years ago

This dog called Peter Mutharika! You must have entered your mother’s fucking womb through the anus. If you don’t know this Fiona, how come you know she is good in bill drafting? You must have seen her CV and knew where she comes from. Ma hope akotu amenewa, Gertrude aka udzudzu beware akulanda banja. CoP needs to be versant in different areas not only bill drafting. No wonder you failed to manage Min of Education mathanyula. Your brain is just full of shit.

9 years ago

@ mtumbuka point no. 34:- Fortunately iwenso mtumbo uli nawo so wats the fuss? If you are mtumboless then we need to question who really are you because even dogs, monkeys have. So it seems these animals are better off than you. Pure logic. Mbuli zimathamangira kutukwana where truth is being told. Go to school, imbecile!

9 years ago

Wopusa iwe. Udana ndi alhomwe chifukwa Chitani? Ine ndimachkera ku Mzimba koma ndilibe bvuto ndi mtundu wina uliwonse
Tonse ndi aMalaw. I rest my case.

9 years ago

Why is there a panel to interview the candidates? Abolish these panels and you a very stupid and tribalistic idiot can freely appoint Mlakho thugs and loot the tax payers money at will like what your brother did. One day you will still pay for the looting you and you dead brother did, do not think we are as stupid as you are to get away with it. You Will NOT, and time will tell.

Winston Msowoya
Winston Msowoya
9 years ago

Some of our brothers from the South and Central , are absolutely a misguided rot.They can not distinguish between JEALOUSIES and NEPOTISIM.Good luck.Soon after independence,the majorities of PSs were from the North who dominated the symbols of learning ie Blantyre Sec.School,Dedza Secondary School,Zomba Secondary (Box 2),Mzuzu secondary School etc,were dominated by Students from the North,who joined the corridors of these institutions through colonial administrations which were controlled by the whites who could not identify the names of the entrants,hence,the influx of the Northern Students into Secondary schools through pure and clean merits.For instance,your President Peter Wa Muthalika when he won… Read more »

Phaghlani Vwavwa
Phaghlani Vwavwa
9 years ago

I am not from the north but The elephant in the room is that northerners are disproportionately represented in the job market. Nepotism, regionalism or tribalism are all evil regardless of who practices it. This country will never develop unless we allow the best people do their job. A country is developed by hard working, intelligent and smart people. they cannot all come from where you want them to come from . Good people can never be judged based on where someone comes from. Northerners are not bad people, they are just more in the job market, the cause of… Read more »

9 years ago

Iwe # 31 wawononga dzina la Dr wabwinobwino uchitsiru wako. Which tribe in Mw has been at the helm of nepotism? Why did John Tembo send them packing in 1989? Tsono popeza fans yakutulukirani ndiye muyambe mfweemfweee lero? Inu mumayesa ife sitimaona? Ngakhale Kamuzu amene anachita promote Ochewa. Ask JZU ndi Lazaro Chakwera ngati wangobadwa dzulo. Tsete zako. Umbuli thoo school zero. Umaona ngati mlomwe ndiosaphunzira eti? Ndikanakhala Mulli ndikanakuuza kuti much-end-r-ko!

Objective Commentator
9 years ago

It’s very common to spit venom on other people when you’re a failure. Man up and take responsibility. I used to hate northerners coz they’re nepotistic to the core. However, I realised that they can’t oppress me forever and I fought my way through. Now that they can’t rule the country and their nepotism is dwindling – apparently coz brilliant minds from other regions are emerging – they’re bitter and are cursing southern tribes. Shame!

peter osati munthalika koma winayu osati kumpalumr
peter osati munthalika koma winayu osati kumpalumr
9 years ago

We want to kick start implementation of the 90-90-90 HIV strategy. So i wanted to know the number of HIV positive MPS some i know some i

don’t know. Komanso amene sanayezeseko. We want to start with u. And your names will appear in press too. Lets be exemplary.

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