Mutharika installs Yao Paramount Chief Kawinga in Machinga: Muluzi attends corononation
President Peter Mutharika on Saturday installed Maxwell Blaidon Mataka as Paramount Chief Kawinga of the Yao Tribe in Machinga.
The coronation ceremony took place on Saturday at Nanyumbu in Machinga.
It was attended by among others former president Bakili Muluzi who dressed in traditional Yao regalia.
Kawinga had pu on a necklace made from claws of a lion and a robe made of lion skin during the installation ceremony to signify that the Kawinga Chieftaincy is a powerful one.
Chief Kawinga 60 years old and will this year be celebrating 30 years of traditional leadership since 1987.
Kawinga was Group Village Headman Mitusi and later was elevated to Sub Chief Nkoola at Mikachu Headquarters in 2000.
Through a succession system called Litegwa he left Mikachu and headed to Machinga Headquarters where he became Traditional Authority (TA) Mlomba in 2011.
After the death of the eighth Kawinga, Waya Pilo Chioko, on December 2013, Mataka left Machinga Headquarters and went to Nanyumbu Headquarters where he assumed the position of Senior Chief Kawinga from 2014 to date.
The Kawinga chieftaincy originated from Mozambique and a Mozambican delegation is also expected to patronize the function according to Aman Kunje, a member of the organizing committee.
As much as I thank HE Professor Mutharika on this consideration of giving the Yao the Paramountship he has done quite a great thing to us the Yao,” But he was give a wrong name and even the history which was read by Chief Chowe it doesn’t reflect any thing among the Yao, it has even shown that we the Yao we don’t know our history how come can you say we came here 13th century ? what are we talking about, Just to give you a nut shell. Accordi pARTng to the Yao History book which is found in… Read more »
Kunena zowona ngati kuli mafumu omwe akanakwezedwa kukhala Paramount chief ya ayao komaso ya alhomwe, kumbali ya ayawo ndi senior chief Mponda yaku mangochi Ku alhomwe ndi senior chief chikumbu yaku mulanje, mafumu amenewa history yawo ana amayiphuzira Ku school, primary, secondary komaso Ku university, pakuti ndi andale omwe amakwedza mafumu m’maudindo palibe chimene tinganene m’paka angongoliwo kukhala Paramount chief ya alhomwe mu 2014 anali sub chief ngongoliwo, zaliwa ndale izi.
Koma mafumu tambala Ku dedza akanakwezedwa kukhala senior chief, Chifukwa ndi ufumu wochokera Ku Mozambique Ku yao wosayiwala chief katuli kumangochi
Paramount wa Yao ndi T/A Mponda zinazi ndi zokokera
Congratulation My paramount Ayao Chief, CheKawinga Ambuje Sultan. Mashikamu. Ambuje Chechipinga wape ntender .Twapochele.
Bola apa osati anapanga akulu anu zopeleka myao sanga chikowi kukhala paramount wa ayao mxii
Bullshit. The Yao tribe was there long before religion (both Islam & Christianity) came to Southern Africa. Yao sanga have the same tribal rights as Muslim Yaos.
To suggest that being Muslim makes one Yao more superior than another Yao is stupidity of the highest order…
How can Tony Blair install Queen or King? We are witnessing the opposite in Malawi. The chiefs have been reduced to position of ‘tribal governors’ by ruling political parties, under the guise of promotions.
Why not chief Tambala in Dedza district ? Although not documented History reveals that Chief Tambala is the first yao leadership tribe to arrive in Malawi. May be it’s high time for yaos to rewrittheir e history to better inform the morden political leaders.